Chapter 3

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"So, where does the queen spend her evenings nowadays?" Rena Rouge asked, distracting the Akuma with her power of illusion.

"Shouldn't we be focused on the fight?" Queen Bee retorted.

"Nah, this is way more interesting." Rena Rouge remarked.

"I am a little curious myself." Ladybug laughed, unleashing her yo-yo to secure the Akuma.

"Ridiculous." Queen Bee rolled her eyes and used her venom power so they could finally defeat the Akuma.

With the Akuma paralyzed, Chat Noir used his Cataclysm, destroying the item and finally releasing the Akuma. Once it was petrified, they all transformed back to their civilian forms. The five began to walk home, but Alya wouldn't drop the topic.

"Ok, now that, that is done...spill the beans." Alya demanded.

"And why should I?" Chloé squinted suspiciously.

"Because we are friends." Nino shrugged.

"And I'm basically a journalist and am really nosey." Alya added.

"You really are not going to drop this, are you?" Chloe grumbled.

"Nope." Alya chimed.

"Fine. I've been hanging out with Nathaniel, as Queen Bee." Chloe admitted, crossing her arms and looking away.

"Wow." Marinette squeaked. "When did this start? Do you like him?"

"Answer the second question first!" Alya commanded, super excited.

"No! That's ridiculous, utterly ridiculously!" Chloe exclaimed, blushing bright red.

"Ah, the old habit that comes out when she is super nervous." Adrien declared.

"Adrien!" Chloe growled. Adrien only chuckled in response.

"So it is true?" Marinette asked for conformation.

Adrien nodded. Marinette and Alya squealing in absolute delight. They grabbed Chloe's arm and lead her away, shocking both the boys and Chloe herself.

"Sorry boys, but we need to have girls talk." Alya called over her shoulder.

Adrien and Nino exchanged a strange look. "Don't look at me, she's your girlfriend." The two said in unison. The best friends chuckled and walked off.

"Ok girl, I want every little detail! When did this start? Does he know who you are? Does he feel the same? Have you told him how much you love him?" Alya interrogated, subconsciously taking out her phone like she was interviewing her.

"Woah, woah, woah. First off, calm down and put your phone away. This is a girls talk, not an interview. Also, one question at a time. I can't understand you when you talks that fast." Chloe barked.

"Right sorry. Force of habitat." Alya chuckled and put her phone away. "So, when did you start handing out with Nathaniel?"

"About a month ago." Chloe answered.

Alya and Marinette smiled to each other, before returning their attention to Chloe.

"So, now that we know how you feel, do you know how he feels?" Marinette asked, shaking in delight.

"No, but I doubt he would feel the same." Chloe crossed her arms.

They exchanged a quick look. "Does he know who you are?" Alya raised an eyebrow.

"No, and if he did find out...I doubt he would still want to hang out with me." Chloé stated, sadly. Marinette and Alya quickly turned to comfort mode when they saw the sadness of their friend.

"Oh, I'm sure that's not true." Marinette assured, placing a comforting arm on her friends shoulder.

"Yeah. I'm sure he feels the same way. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. After all, you are the famous Queen Bee, and the Chloe Bourgeois." Alya copied Marinette's motion.

"Don't you see! That's part of the problem! Everyone still thinks of me as the bratty, snobby, rich girl. What if he still thinks that?" Chloe argued.

"He won't." Marinette smiled.

"And if he doesn't, then he doesn't deserve you." Alya remarked.

"I still think you should tell him how you feel, because either way you will feel better. Look what happened when I confessed to Adrien. We are so happy together." Marinette chimed, dreamily.

"Yeah, after all those years of stammering and gushing over him." Alya added.

"Alya!" Marinette screeched in embarrassment. The three girls laughed. "But seriously, you should still tell him."

"Then you should tell us every detail about it." Alya added.

"I' it." Chloe replied, sheepishly. The girls then noticed the time and realized it was time to get going. "I should get home, I'll talk to you two later." Alya and Marinette nodded as they parted ways.

The next day, Chloe went out to visit Nathaniel as Queen Bee after lunch.

"Looks like someone took my advice." Queen Bee remarked, noticing he clipped his hair back to show his full face.

"Yeah. I guess I did." Nathaniel smiled. Queen Bee went and sat on the railing beside him. "I was kind of worried about the Akuma attack yesterday. So I thought about what you said."

"Oh yeah. Sorry about that. I got...held up." Queen Bee responded. "But, it's nice to know you are so worried about little old me."

"" Nathaniel stuttered, blushing.

"Calm down, I'm only teasing." Queen Bee poked him on the nose.

"Yeah, right." Nathaniel muttered.

"But..." Queen Bee added, stepping into the balcony so she was facing him. Nathaniel held his breath in anticipation as she neared. "I...I have something important I need to tell you."

"Alright." Nathaniel replied. Queen Bee paused, nervously. How could she tell him that she loves him, after all she had put him through. "You know, you can tell me anything, right? You can trust me and I already trust you with my life."

"I's just..." Queen Bee muttered. 'This is going to be harder than I thought it would be.' She thought. 

She locked eyes with him, but instead of speaking she got caught up in his eyes. They were so mesmerizing and reflected the depths of his kind heart. Nathaniel staring into her eyes as well, wondering what she was about to tell him.

"Queen Bee?" Nathaniel broke the silence.

Without warning, Queen Bee leaned forward and kissed him, right on the lips. It only last a moment, but shocked them nonetheless. Once Queen Bee realized what she just did, she pulled back quickly. They stared at each other in shock, the two of them red in the face.

"I...I'm sorry." Queen Bee managed to say as she stepped back. Nathaniel was speechless. That was his first kiss. It wasn't just some girl that kissed him, it was the famous superhero and his new crush. What was he supposed to say? "I...I'll just leave you alone." She jumped onto the railing, ready to go home.

"No...I...Wait!" Nathaniel tried to stop her, but he was too late. She was gone. "Why couldn't I just say something, anything to make her stay?"

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