Chapter 2

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She found him on his small balcony flipping through his sketchbook. Queen Bee quitely slipped onto the railing of his balcony.

"Need something to draw with?" Queen Bee asked.

Nathaniel jumped in fright and spun around, clutching his chest. " scared me." He breathed.

"Sorry." Queen Bee apologized with a small giggle.

"What are you doing here?" Nathaniel questioned, more at ease.

She walked further along the railing and sat down. "I promised you I'd stop by, didn't I? Plus, I thought you would like your pen back." Queen Bee held out the pen to him.

"Wow...thank you." Nathaniel slowly took it from her. "I didn't think a pen was a worthy cause to stop by."

"It wasn't." Queen Bee replied. "I just saw it and remembered my promise. So what did you need?"

Nathaniel looked away, embarrassed. ""

He fiddled with the sketchbook nervously, until it slipped from his hands and landed in front of Queen Bee. The book had opened on a beautiful sketch of the hero herself.

"I see." Queen Bee smiled down at the drawing. She snatched the book before he could. She had to admit, this was incredible. "You drew this?"

"...yeah..." Nathaniel mumbled super embarrassed, rubbing his arm.

"This is amazing!" Queen Bee beamed.

"Really? You think so?" Nathaniel asked.

"Well duh." Queen Bee responded as if it were obvious. "I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. Your drawings should be in an art show or something. There incredible. Do you have more?" She flipped a few more pages in the book, not waiting for an answer, awing at each amazing sketch.

Nathaniel was speechless. No one had ever really shown this much interest is his work before and here was is new favorite superhero, telling him his work was incredible. It was difficult for the boy to process.

"" Nathaniel began, turning Queen Bee's attention away from the book. "I'm...glad you like them...the drawings, I mean."

"Of course. I might have to ask you to do a portrait of me." Queen Bee chirped, glancing back at the contents of the book.

"Well, that's...kind of...what I wanted to ask you." Nathaniel muttered.

"Yes!" Queen Bee beamed, stepping in front of him and clutching his shoulders. "I'd love it!"

"Really?" Nathaniel questioned, his face bright red at the closeness.

"Yes." Queen Bee answered. She let go of him and placed her hands on her hips. Nathaniel let out the breathe he didn't know he was holding in when he was released. "You don't need to be so tense around me. I'm just a regular person just like everyone else."

"Yeah, except you are a super hero with powers who saves peoples life's ." Nathaniel argued.

"Well, I wasn't always." Queen Bee murmured, rubbing her arm, ashamed. She glanced back to Nathaniel and saw a mixture of curiosity and concern in his features. "Look, we have all made mistakes and have all had insecurities.

It's hard to fight them, but if you have a really good friend, it's easier." Queen Bee paused, realizing she was rambling. "Sorry about that."

"No, no! It's fine, really, it is. You're right. I just...I don't really have to many friends though." Nathaniel admitted.

"You know if you want...we can be friends. Then maybe we could help each other be better and less insecure." Queen Bee suggested.

"Are...are you serious?" Nathaniel questioned.

This seemed to good to be true. The beautiful hero, Queen Bee, as was asking to be his friend. Him of all people.

She smiled and replied "Yes I am. You can relax around me, I promise." She put an assuring hand on his shoulder.

"Yes. That sounds great." Nathaniel smiled, finally starting to relax.

They started talking. At first simple small talk, but as time went on the conversations grew deep. The superhero and the artist grew really close in the course of a month. She would visit him in her superhero form almost every day. It didn't take long for feelings to develop between them, even with showing their true selfs.

"So, I've been meaning to ask, why do you let your hair cover have your face?" Queen Bee asked, standing next to him.

"I don't know. I guess it helps with the whole 'no one notice me' thing." Nathaniel shrugged.

"It's a shame." Queen Bee remarked, pulling the hair out of his face. "Because you have really pretty eyes."

" you..." Nathaniel blushed.

"Sorry about that." Queen stepped back, letting his hair fall back into place.

"It...its fine." Nathaniel assured. "Now where-"

Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded in the distance.

"Looks like it's time for me to save the day. I'll see you later." Queen Bee jumped over the railing to meet her fellow heroes.

"Ok! Be careful!" Nathaniel called after her. He watched her leave, until she was out of sight. "She's so cool." He muttered, dreamily, under his breath.

Queen Bee quickly landed with the rest of the group. "Hey, did you miss me?"

"What took you so long?" Rena Rouge asked.

"Yeah, we were beginning to think you were hiving a sticky situation." Chat Noir quipped.

"Ha ha." Queen Bee rolled her eyes. "So, what's the problem this time?"

"Just another Akuma. Nothing we can't handle." Ladybug answered triumphantly.

The five heroes sprang into action, doing everything in their power to defeat the Akuma. They bantered as they fought the Akuma, mostly about Queen Bee's recent tardiness.

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