Being an independent photographer and model seems like an easy job. but it's not,especially when you're hired to be a photographer for a band of a bunch of rowdy boys that are constantly flirting with you. in this case, you'd have to be miss Emma Ro...
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🌹Emma_Rose🌹: I'm on the move again!! Catch me on tour w/ @chaseatlantic !! I'll be photographing all your pretty faces every night!! 🎉😘✨
Username1: YAY!! You deserve this!! Congrats!!
Username2: YAAYY!! 🎉🎉
Jesse.Boyle: 😍✨ Beauty!
clintoncave: 😍🔥 Wow!
I finished setting up the merch table, and checked my phone. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I put my phone in my pocket,and sat on the chair.
Mitchel walked over. "Why aren't you joining us backstage love?" He asked, pressing his palms on the table,and leaning.
"Let's get one thing straight Bitch. I'm not your Love. I'm not your babe. I'm not your baby. I'm not your babygirl. I'm not your babydoll. I'm not your Hun." "I'm not your sweetheart. Don't fucking call me ANY nicknames. there Will be NO flirting with me." "Now go repeat that to all your band mates." I snapped,as I gripped the collar of his shirt.
I pushed him away. He quickly walked back down to the stage,then went backstage.
I straightened out my shirt and fixed my hair,and sat again. I started crying.
A minute later,Jesse walked over. "Hey,you okay? Why you crying?" He asked softly,with genuine worry.
I wiped away the tears. "I'm not crying. Just something in my eye." I replied.
He sat beside me. "c'mon Em,don't close yourself off like that. What's wrong?" He asked softly,offering me his hand.
I held his hand,and he put his other hand on mine. "It's okay. You can tell me. It stays between us,and I won't judge you. I promise." He said reassuringly.
"It's just... Every time I've had a guy 'friend' or client or one of my friend's friends.. or clients.. they always flirt with me!" "And I'm so sick of it! I've tried going about it nicely! And I've fuckin snapped!" "Cause if I'm nice, they don't stop. So I have to be a scary bitch about it... And I just wanna be respected.." "I work my ass off!" I vented. I started to cry again.
Jesse opened his arms for a hug. I hugged him,and he held me protectively,and rubbed my back. "I will do everything I can to make sure they respect you,and Don't flirt with you." "You don't deserve to hurt like this. I'll help you." He murmured reassuringly.
"Thank you Jesse. You're a blessing. I really appreciate it." I replied,wiping away my tears.
"You're welcome. Any time." He replied with a soft smile.
"You get a free pass on the nicknames though,since you're actually respectful and really kind." I replied.
"Oh really now?" He asked playfully, raising an eyebrow.
I lightly laughed. "Yea." I replied. He hugged me again.
"C'mon now. We have a show to put on,and you've got a crowd to photograph." He replied warmly.
I lightly smiled and nodded. We held hands as we walked backstage. Jesse grabbed my camera,and handed it to me with a soft smile. He pat my head, and grabbed his drumsticks.
He followed the boys out on stage,and I went side stage.
After the show,I was handling the merch table,when Jesse waved me over. I walked over. "would you pretty pretty please take our group photo,please,with a cherry on top?" He asked adorably.
"Of course!" I beamed! I took the phone,and took a step back. I took the photo,and handed the phone back.
"Thank you!!" One of the fans beamed!
"Of course!" I replied brightly. I went back to the merch table.
A fan walked up. "No way! You're Emma Rose! I love your work!" She beamed!
"Aw,Thank you! That warms my heart so much!" I replied brightly.
"Can we get a photo?" She asked.
"Sure!!" I beamed!
She took out a photo,and we both made a goofy face,and she took the photo.
"Will you tag me in that? I'd love to print it for my photo wall!" I said.
The girl's face lit up. "YEA!!" she replied excitedly!
I was sitting in my bunk,and scrolling through insta. I found the photo of the fan of I. I grabbed my Polaroid printer and plugged my phone in. I printed it, and taped it up on my wall. I took a photo of it and posted it,and tagged the fan.
"Knock knock." Jesse said. I opened my curtain.
"You hungry Hun?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "Yea. Sorry. Slipped my mind." I replied.
He lightly chuckled. "happens to me more often than not babe. C'mon. We got some really good Chinese take out." He replied.
My stomach grumbled,and we both laughed. I followed him to the kitchen,and he handed me two boxes. One had rice and veggies and fried chicken. The other had dumplings.
Jesse handed me a third. It had noodles with sauce. He handed me some chopsticks,And we went in the lounge.
"What are we watching?" Clinton asked.
"Deadpool." Mitchel and I said in unison. We looked at each other.
"Which one?" Christian asked.
"Two. Duh." Mitchel and I said in unison. We looked at each other again,then the TV as he turned it on.
I couldn't sleep that night,so I went in the kitchen. Clinton was sat on the counter,with a mug of tea,and on his phone. He looked up.
"Hey,You too?" He asked softly.
I nodded. "unfortunately." I sighed,as I started making myself tea.
"You okay?" He asked softly.
"I'm fine. You?" I replied.
He hugged me from behind. "C'mon now Beautiful,don't close yourself off like that." He purred.
I quickly turned and pushed him away. "Nice try asshole,but don't think I haven't dealt with guys like you before. Acting like you care just to get your dick wet." I spat. I took his half empty mug of tea,and dumped it down the sink.
I took my full mug,smirked,and went back to my bunk. I saw Jesse. "There a problem babe?" He asked softly.
I looked at Clinton,then back at Jesse. "No. Just a minor misunderstanding. I handled it. I appreciate the concern though." I replied reassuringly.
He softly smiled. "I'm glad you're okay." He whispered. He headed to the bathroom,and I went in my bunk.
I grabbed my phone,and my headphones,and listened to some calming music,as I enjoyed my tea.