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~Emma's POV~

🌹Emma_Rose🌹: ☀️Day Off!🏙️📸: @clintoncave 

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🌹Emma_Rose🌹: ☀️Day Off!🏙️
📸: @clintoncave 

clintoncave: 😍🔥 Damn!

Jesse.Boyle: 😍✨ Honey.🌹

Username1: Damn Ma!

Username2: 🤤🥺 YAASS!!

Username3: SLAAYY!!

mitchelcave: 🤩🤑 That Dress Gucci?? From when we went to the mall?? 

🌹Emma_Rose🌹: @mitchelcave 😏 Yes.😌 Yes it is. 😍

I put my phone in my phone pocket, and walked into the café with the boys. Jesse put his arm around my hip. Clinton rolled his eyes.

We soon had our orders,and we sat at an outside table. I watched the people and cars go by as the boys discussed interviews and acoustic sets.

"Hello,Earth to Emma." Pat said. I looked at him. "huh?" I asked. He lightly laughed. "You spaced out. you alright there?" He asked.

"Oh. Yea. Just people watching. Thinking." I replied.

"What about?" Mitchel asked.

"Memories. And the future.." I sighed, as I ran my fingers through my hair.

I looked down at my half empty mug of coffee. I traced the rim in thought. I grabbed my sketchpad and started drawing the mug,the streets and people.

Clinton leaned over,peering over my shoulder. I showed him. He softly smiled.

Soon,we were walking back to the bus,but I stopped when I heard Danny Warsnop's cover of Elton John's song,Rocket Man,playing from a nearby shop.

I walked followed it,and it was a cozy record shop. I walked it,and it was empty. Not even a cashier. I swayed to the music,as I browsed the shelves.

I felt arms wrap around me,from behind. I looked over my shoulder, and Clinton softly smiled. I turned to face him.

The song restarted,and he took my hand in his. We slow danced to the song. He softly hummed along,and twirled me.

Soon,the song ended,and Clinton softly kissed me. A second later,I heard the rest of the guys come running in. "There you are!" Jesse chuckled,out of breath.

"Yea. Sorry. Got side tracked." I replied sheepishly. I could feel my face burn up. Jesse nodded and put his arm around my shoulders,and pulled me away from Clinton.

I looked back at him,and he lightly smiled. I looked at my feet.


I was in my bunk,editing some photos and sipping a grape crush soda,when Clinton sat beside me. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"That song holds a lot of significants to you,doesn't it?" He asked softly. I nodded. "Yea. When I was in... Middle school and high school... I had this friend. Lynnzie... It was her favorite song,ever.." "cause it was her Dad's favorite song.. her dad passed when we were in Freshman.." "and it was my uncle's,on my dad's side,and my mum's favorite song.." "my uncle passed when we were in sophomore.. and my mum... Well she ran off when I was in Junior.. she couldn't bear it.." "she and my uncle were close friends.. and so I moved in with Lynnzie... It was our song. And in... Sophomore of uni,she um..." "She ran away. She was really depressed. Two weeks later,the cops,and my dad... Found her body.." "it was at the train station,near the border of west coast Washington,and Canada. She'd ran into on coming traffic." I explained softly.

"I'm so sorry love. Did you have anyone helping you through that?" He asked.

"I have this Ex... His name was Ryan. He started out really sweet. But then down the road... He'd go out every night,after work..." I explained softly, trailing off.

Clinton looked at me sympathetically. "He cheated on you." He replied softly. I nodded. "That's why I've tried to avoid emotional attachment... Bad things always happen.." "it's like I'm bad luck." I replied softly.

I wiped away a tear. Clinton sat me on his lap. "Well nothing bad has happened to me,or Jesse,now has it?" He asked softly,caressing my face,and playing with my hair.

I softly sighed. "No I suppose not." I murmured.

He kissed me. "Everything will work out perfectly. I promise. You can let go of the past. I'll never let anything bad happen to you. To us." "I love you so much Emma. I've always gotcha. You're my princess. I promise everything is gonna be perfect." "Just like us." He replied reassuringly.

I kissed him,and he kissed me back.
He trailed kisses down my neck,and across my collarbones.

I tangled my fingers in his hair,as his hands went up under my dress. I took it off and removed his shirt. He crashed his lips on to mine,as I removed his jeans. I trailed kisses down his neck and body,and back up.

He grabbed a condom from his pocket and opened it. He removed his boxers and my underwear and bra. He put on the condom,and sunk me on to his length.

He buried his face in my neck. "Shit.. fuck... You feel so good baby." He breathed. I started bucking my hips and he thrusted,adding to the pleasure.

He kissed me,as a moan escaped my mouth. He buried his face in my neck, and trailed hickies.

"So close princess." Clinton breathed.
"I'm gonna-" I moaned.

We both hit our climax. We caught our breath,and Clinton gently pulled out. He softly kissed me,and put his shirt on me. He threw out the condom,and out on his boxers and sweats. I put on my underwear,and we cuddled up.

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