Being an independent photographer and model seems like an easy job. but it's not,especially when you're hired to be a photographer for a band of a bunch of rowdy boys that are constantly flirting with you. in this case, you'd have to be miss Emma Ro...
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🌹Emma_Rose🌹: Fly high & Soar like an eagle,Babe! 🦅 📸: @LillyVisions 👕👖: @CountryGal_Kicks 🧥👢: @YourOwnWynnona_Apparel 🕶️: @ShadeTheH8ers
Username1: 🔥🌪️ Kick ass,take name!
Username2: 😍✨ HELL YES MAMA!!
Username3: oohh!! I love!! 🤯🥵
clintoncave: 🥰✨ Look at my princess taking over the world. 💞
I drove home that late afternoon,and decided to stop at the supermarket. I walked around till I found some apple pie tarts and fresh baskets of strawberries. I picked up some of my favorite tea too. I paid at the register, and drove home.
I soon arrived,and I walked in. Mitchel was making some food at the stove,and I put away the groceries. "oh what did ya get?" He asked with a bright smile.
"Just some apple pie tarts for dessert, some of my favorite tea,and the fresh picked strawberries for snackin on." I replied.
"I forgot it's strawberry season!!" He beamed!! He grabbed one a d plucked off the leaves. He popped the small strawberry into his mouth and smiled.
"Mumma always makes the best strawberry rhubarb pie,and chocolate covered strawberries and strawberry pastries!!" "We used to get in trouble if we ate too many of them while she was baking. But we always bought her more with our allowance." He rambled on brightly.
I smiled as I helped him set dinner on to plates. "What about you?" He asked.
"Oh my dad taught me everything I know. But I usually got my pies from this bakery called Dutch mothers. They got all their ingredients from local farms." "So it was just as good as home baked. My mom preferred more to cook on her own.." I replied.
He hugged me. Clinton and Christian came down from upstairs. Clinton grinned and hugged me. He kissed the top of my head.
"Hi baby." He murmured. "Hi lovey." I replied softly. He kissed me.
We all cozied up in the living room and Mitchel turned on some anime.
The boys were asleep,and I couldn't seem to do the same. I gently got up to not disturb Clinton,and I pulled on a hoodie and some jogging shorts. I pulled on some over the knee socks, and went downstairs.
I pulled on my tennishoes and tied the laces. I walked out,and started walking down the street.
"Emma!" I heard someone call. I stopped and looked over. Jesse ran over. He gave me a light smile. "Hey, you okay?" He asked,putting his arm around my shoulders.
"Just a lot on my mind. Couldn't sleep." I replied.
"I feel ya. Wanna talk about it?" He asked.
"Today was my mum's birthday. And it's only been three years now since I've moved out... And she and I weren't on the best friends page,to put it lightly." "And... Today was my dad's four year anniversary... since he disowned me.. kicked me out.." "I tried really hard to make them proud... I became pretty self destructive cause of it.." "and it's two years since my ex... And... All my old anxiety has been eating me up cause of it." I explained.
Jesse stopped us. "Why haven't you told Clinton?" He asked softly,with worry.
"I didn't want to stress him out. He does so much. I felt really guilty just at the thought of adding to his plate." "Seeing him so happy... I couldn't do that to him.. ruin his day.." I replied.
He hugged me. "hunny bunny,you have to tell him. As selfless and understandable as your explanation is.. you have to tell him." "You can't always have walls. He will absolutely drop everything to be there for you." "It wouldn't stress him out babe. It wouldn't. He'd gladly help you remove this wall from your life." He replied.
"You sound so sure. How?" I asked.
"He's helped me through some pretty rough shit. He helped me quit smoking. That's how we're so stuck at the hip." He replied.
I nodded intently. "Alright. I'll tell him in the morning." I replied,as we started walking back to the house.
We were silent for a minute. I saw him looking at me,out my peripheral vision. I looked at him. "Why you looking at me like that?" I asked.
"Cause you're beautiful." He replied. I felt my face heat up. I looked at my feet,and walked up to my front door, and went inside. I took off my shoes and socks,and went upstairs.