steal your girl.

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Addison's POV

I can tell Luke is more nervous than anything right now.

The way he sits at the front of the class waiting for all of us to finish our quiz as his leg bounces up and down, practically anyone in the room could tell.

Considering how nervous he is, I can't help but be nervous as well. The boys leave for Nashville today and Luke and I had managed to write two and a half songs. He still has to finish up the second half of the last song and I can tell he's a bit stuck.

The second song we had put together was a song we equally had put a lot into titled Vapor. We wrote down on a piece of paper our thoughts when it came to one another and soon had a song. It came easy. Almost as easy as Waste the Night seemed to come to us.

The boys were very impressed that we had managed to put together two songs in the span of two days and it left all of us relieved more than ever. But of course Luke still has to worry about the second half of this other song.

I had finished the quiz long ago and now the only thing I seem to be able to focus on is Luke at the front of the room as he bites his lip and jitters his leg as if there's no tomorrow.

Someone clears their throat making Luke look up and scan the room. I do the same and notice everyone is done their quiz and I'm sure they have been for a while now. Especially because we handed it in after we took it and I saw pretty much everyone go to the front.

"Are we all finished?" he asks clearing his throat as he stands up.

Everyone replies with a yes and I keep my focus on him trying to read the signs of his nervousness. I wonder if anyone else notices just how nervous he looks but it's only making me want to jitter my leg up.

"Good work," Luke says placing the pile of papers to the side and leaning on the edge of his desk as he crosses his arms over his chest. "Now, we as a class will be reviewing the homework from last night."

Everyone groans and I know it's because no one did it. Hell, no one ever does it and Luke still continues to assign it. I did it of course because I would never blatantly show up to Luke's class with the work not done.

"So, I'm going to guess that groan means no one did it," Luke says placing his hand over his face probably getting frustrated.

I know he wants to be a normal teacher that people take seriously but no one seems to do that in this class. Unfortunately for him, I don't think they ever will.

"I did it Luke!"

My jaw sets at the sound of the girl I seem to despise most nowadays. Everyone turns around to face the girl who sits closer than normal and just can't seem to get a hint. Her hands are folded on top of her desk as she keeps her hungry eyes on Luke and nothing but Luke.

"Oh yeah?" Luke asks making me look back to him as he stands in the front.

"Yeah," she says, a clear smirk on her face.

"Then why don't you come up to the front of the class and summarize it for us?"

I hear people snicker and I immediately turn around to see her reaction. Her face is sheet white and I know in that moment she didn't actually do the homework. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights and I'm loving every second of it.

"Why would I go to the front of the room and tell everyone what I learned when they need to do it themselves?" she tries.

"Because I'm asking you to," Luke says, biting back his own smile considering he knows just as well as I do that she's lying. "Unless you didn't actually do it of course-"

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