busted, hoes

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A/N: honestly i don't even fw voltron that much anymore. i still haven't watched passed the first episode of the last season and honestly i don't plan to. but i'm committed to this bitch and one day i WILL complete it. big life update at the end of the chapter in the A/N y'all sm has happened in the past four months.
pidge came out of their room looking completely defeated. they had spent all night working on one of their new tech pieces.

god i don't get paid enough for this shit. i don't even get paid at all, fuck. pidge was very obviously exhausted. nothing in the entire fucking universe could put me in a good mood right now.

so pidge thought.

they walked into the living room to hear snores and what they saw had them praising the space gods for eons.

fuck i was wrong, where is my camera damnit ?! pidge thought digging through their pockets and pulling out their phone.

pidge took a picture of lance and keith cuddling on the couch together. they were propped up against each other with their arms wrapped around each other.

'all blessings due to god 🙏🙏 holy shit.' pidge sent the picture with that caption to hunk, shiro, and the mice, because of course the fucking mice have a phone.

'OMG !!! SKSKS LANCE IS GONNA BE PISSED' hunk texted back. the mice texted nothing, they were probably still sleeping. shiro on the other hand:

'why are you invading their personal space ?? and watch the language.' he texted back.

'yeah yeah sorry mom. and i'm not invading their personally space they're in the living room duh.' pidge texted.

'they make such a cute couple !!' hunk texted.

at this shiro said: 'wait, they're dating ???'

in to which pidge and hunk replied '....who gone tell him?'







shiro suddenly came to a realization. 'OH, so that's why lance came out of keith's room this morning. i better talk to them about keeping things appropriate on the ship.'

he could hear yelling from the other side of the ship.

'BRO YOU SERIOUS RN??' pidge texted.

'why wouldn't i be???' shiro responded.


'....' shiro responded.

'what?' pidge and hunk texted simultaneously.


shiro has left chat.


lance slowly began to stir from his sleep as he felt something pressed into his side. he turned his head only to be met with the view of the side of keith's head.

aw shit, here we go again. he thought.

he slowly tried to unwrap himself from keith's arm but couldn't. just as he was about to be free, keith's eyes snapped open and met his own.

"hi." lance said.

"hi." keith said in return.

they both just stared at each other for a moment.

"bruh kiss now please." pidge said, popping up from behind the couch.

"AHH!" lance and keith screamed in unison while falling off the couch.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" keith yelled, red in the face.

"because it's our open living space, love birds." pidge said dumbly.

"woah woah ! chill pidge !! we're not love birds, ain't that right keith?" lance said, turning to keith.

keith pretended not to hear lance, and walked off.

"hey !! keith!!" lance yelled out but he had already left.

pidge turned back to lance. "listen man, i'm all about you gettin some, but keep that shit in your rooms."

"ITS NOT LIKE THAT !!" lance yelled undignified.

"whatever you say man." pidge said while grabbing a glass of water and leaving.

"GODDAMNIT PIDGE!!" lance screamed at the door that they just walked out of.

lance's attention was turned away as keith got up off the ground and offered him a hand up.

lance walked into the kitchen then, asking keith if he wanted anything and came back with two glasses of water.

'so i guess is sleeping together is becoming a habit huh?' lance thought.

"what??" keith said red in the face.

"shit i said that out loud, and no, not like that we literally just fell asleep on the couch."

"oh, yeah."

"oh, yeah." lance mocked. in response keith threw a pillow at him.

lance laughed it off and got up to check the time. it was close to lance's curfew (yes he needs to get his beauty sleep.)

he bid keith a goodnight and went to his room. he totally, totally did not sprint to get away from keith because he makes his heart feel all weird and junk.

yeah, totally.

A/N: so i think i'll end this story soon? like within the next 2 or 3 chapters? i just don't feel passionate about voltron anymore tbh but i want to finish this bitch i've been writing this since like 2017 i think. so another life update. finished another year of school, started therapy, got diagnosed with a bunch of shit i already knew i had, made some new friends, all that jazz. i'm very tired though and i hope i get the clear to get out on meds soon because a mans is suffering but yeah if you got this far thank you sm for reading!

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