Act Four: Introductions

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Sebastian returned to the guest room a short while later carrying a tray holding water and a steaming bowl of soup. Setting it down on the table, he moved over to the bed.

"Now let's get you sat up a little."

He placed one hand behind her at the base of her neck and gently lifted her forward while re-arranging the pillows with the other hand. When he was finished, he gently slipped his now free arm under her legs and lifted her slightly, moving her until she reclined against the newly arranged pillows. As he moved her the sheet slipped, exposing her naked form. As Sebastian's eyes fluttered momentarily to her breasts, she realised for the first time that she was completely naked and exposed.

Sebastian caught the look of dismay on her face. He smiled gently and without a word he re-arranged the sheet to cover her once more. Returning to the tray he fetched the glass of water. Holding it steady for her to drink from he said, "small sips my dear, it has been some time since your body has taken in any sustenance at all."

As she swallowed, she thought her throat would burst. But as the initial shock subsided the rawness that had been present reduced and she felt moisture begin to return. Sebastian held the glass to her lips a second time and she dutifully took another sip. He repeated the process until he was satisfied that at the very least, she could hold down fluids and wasn't going to spring a leak.

"Good, does that feel better?"

"Yes, thank you" she whispered; her voice barely audible.

"Superb. Now the young master will be up presently, but while we are waiting, you should try to eat. I've prepared the soup specially."

Without waiting for a reply Sebastian fetched the bowl and a spoon. He sat on the edge of the bed and dipped the spoon into the bowl. He fed her slowly and carefully, as one would an infant that was just learning to eat.

She watched him intently as he prepared each spoonful with the same care and attention to detail, never spilling a single drop. It was in that instant that she realised that the whispering voice that had brought her back from the darkness had been his.

"How?" She asked.

Sebastian placed the spoon back in the bowl and used his now free hand to gently tilt her chin so that their eye meet. He held her gaze; "If I couldn't bring a badly injured half-demon back from the brink of death, then what sort of butler would I be?"

She wanted to ask more, but at that moment Ciel appeared at the door. Sebastian's demeanour changed immediately as he stood and bowed stiffly. "I think that is enough for now."

Ciel sat in the chair by the bed. He had spent many hours in the chair over the past week, but it felt very different now that she was awake. Sebastian took up his usual station to the side of his master's chair and waited.

"I am glad to see that you are awake." Said Ciel. He continued, "I am Ciel Phantomive, head of the Phantomhive family. This is my butler Sebastian; he has been caring for you and tending your wounds since we found you."

A large crash somewhere outside the bedroom door momentarily distracted Ciel. Shaking his head, he stated "that was most likely the rest of the household. I will keep them at a distance until you are strong enough to withstand their stupidity and general clumsiness. Now may I ask your name."

"I'm Louisa; I don't have a surname, at least not that I know."

"Do you remember what happened, how you got your injuries?" asked Ciel.

"I was running away, trying to escape the Order."

Feigning ignorance of what she was referring to, Ciel continued "what Order?"

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