Act 24: The Tattoo

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"Good morning, my Lord," said Sebastian as he entered Ciel's room. "Here is your morning tea."

Sebastian poured the tea as Ciel pulled himself up to sit against his pillows. Handing him the cup and saucer, Sebastian continued, "did you sleep well, young master?"

"Yes, thank you, Sebastian, it was very quiet last night," taking a sip of his tea, Ciel added, "I take it you managed to keep your hands off each other last night?"

Sebastian smirked, "not at all, my Lord, we were just quiet, as commanded."

Ciel's brow furrowed, but he said nothing.

"I do have a request, if I may, my Lord?" said Sebastian as he collected Ciel's clothing and laid it out.

"A request?" Ciel replied apprehensively.

"I would like your permission to try to remove the tattoo from Miss Louisa's neck."

Ciel stared at his butler, that was not anywhere near what he had expected. Seeing Ciel's confusion, Sebastian continued. "As her guardian, as well as my master, something like this, which has the potential to do Miss Louisa harm, must have your explicit consent before it can be attempted."

"You are basing your ability to achieve this on Undertaker's information?"

"Yes, my Lord, if he is right, then it can be removed, and Miss Louisa can be free of her last physical remembrance of the Order."

"If he is wrong? What did he even mean, there was enough of you in her?" Ciel regretted the words, even as they spilt from his mouth.

A fleeting smirk crossed Sebastian's face before he composed himself and answered. "If he is wrong, then I will stop as soon as the pain becomes too much for Miss Louisa. As to your second question, short of answers that you do not really want to hear, I do not know what he meant, my Lord."

Ciel was relieved that he had not been subjected to the details, or at least most of him was. He shook the thought from his head. "You have my blessing; we will both go to her with the news as soon as I am dressed, breakfast can wait today."

A conflicted Sebastian bowed, "yes, my Lord, as you wish." While glad that he could honour Louisa's wish, there was a small part of him that had wanted Ciel to refuse, to order him not to try for fear of the pain it would cause Louisa.


At the other end of the hallway, Mey-Rin knocked on Louisa's door and entered with the tea tray. She placed it carefully on the table before looking over to see that Louisa was still asleep. Louisa lay naked, tangled in her dishevelled sheets; at least Mey-Rin could see no new marks on her today that would need to be covered by a careful choice of dress. Mey-Rin smiled to herself as she turned to pour the tea. She had guessed that Sebastian had feelings for Louisa from the moment she first saw them together, the marks on Louisa and the strange noises around the house just confirmed it really.

As she turned back, she jumped, Louisa sat upright in the bed looking at her. Mey-Rin started to shake; she held the cup and saucer in both hands and carefully placed it on the table. Louisa smiled.

"How long have you known?"

"Known, M'lady? I don't understand, no, I don't."

"Mey-Rin, you are the only person, except for him, that sees me naked, you see and help to cover every mark that appears on me, and always without saying a word or shaking, generally. So, either you know, or you are incredibly silly, and I do not think it is the latter."

"I guessed m'lady, soon after you arrived. Mr Sebastian was different with you here, yes, he was, not so stern all the time. But I haven't said anything, no, not to anyone."

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