Act 17: Revelations, Several

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When Louisa arrived at breakfast the following morning, Ciel looked troubled. She worried that he had heard them the night before; she wasn't ready for another round of disapproval from him. She had taken great care to choose a dress that hid the remaining marks on her wrists and neck. She had also chosen one that she could wear without a corset, a point that was not lost on Sebastian judging by the way he raised his eyebrow when he saw her. The look in his eyes told her she was in trouble, and that round of disapproval she was looking forward to. However, first, she needed to discover what was troubling her cousin.

"My dear Ciel, you look as if you have the weight of the world on your shoulders this morning, what could possibly be wrong?" She said.

She held her breath, waiting for his reply. Ciel simply handed her a letter that had been on the table in front of him. She read the hurriedly written note in growing disbelief:

Dear Ciel,

I spoke to father last night, and he believes that it is completely inappropriate for a lady of Louisa's standing and age to not be betrothed. It is more important than ever that a proper match is found for her now that you know she is your actual cousin.

As I know you are so busy, I have taken over the arrangements, and we shall all be attending the full London season, including the opening ball. Isn't it wonderful!

We leave for London tomorrow. I will be travelling with you, along with Paula, to ensure that Louisa has appropriate female company.

Forever Yours


Louisa sank into her seat, placed the letter on the table, looked at Ciel and exclaimed, "what the hell?"

"I know, I am sorry, I had no idea she was going to do that, any of that."

"A suitable match..." Louisa was struggling to control the pitch and tone of her voice.

"I wouldn't, you know I wouldn't, I promised," Ciel looked distraught. As Louisa looked at him, she realised how much this was affecting him too; he looked on the verge of tears with the frustration of it all.

Suddenly feeling sorry for him, she took a deep breath.

"Well, I guess it won't hurt to play along for now. Let Elizabeth play her little matchmaking games. As long as we are clear that nothing will ever come of them?"

Ciel noticeably relaxed, his shoulders dropped, and a ghost of a smile swept across his face. He was indeed blessed that his cousin was so understanding of his predicament when it came to not upsetting Elizabeth.

"Dear cousin, you have my word. It will be all a game that only the three of us will be privy to." He looked at Sebastian as he finished speaking. Sebastian had remained silent through the whole exchange, needing Louisa to find her own path through the chaos that Miss Elizabeth was spreading.

He bowed in Ciel's direction and simply said, "as my master and Miss Louisa wish." He turned to Louisa, bowed again only when he raised his head his eyes were full of devilment. Louisa ached to know what he was planning.

Her thoughts were interrupted by her cousin. "The trip may even be an opportunity to gather some information about the Order."

"Are you suggesting that we pay 'him' a visit, my Lord?" Asked Sebastian.

"Can you think of a better way?"

"Unfortunately not, my Lord."

"Make the arrangements to leave Sebastian; I want to be ready by the time Miss Elizabeth arrives in the morning."

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