Chapter 1

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"It is in moments of decision that your destiny is shaped." - Tony Robbins

Morning Ben! Time for breakfast! Ben! Wake up!

"I'm up! Jeez, calm down!"

Now what will it be, orange juice or coffee with your cereal this morning?

As soon as these words were announced two boxes popped up in front of Ben reading ; 

"Option 1: Orange Juice. Option 2: Coffee."

"I think I will have coffee."

You may proceed.

Step after step, Ben made his way down to his kitchen below.

The brown thick liquid is poured from the jug into his coffee cup. It was quite the coffee cup, with a dog printed on it holding a sign saying "have a good day," it could make anyone instantly smile. 

The sun began to rise in front of his eyes, sunlight slowly entering the room. Suddenly, his eyes lifted up at the sound of a vehicle beeping.

"Seriously? Another mover truck?"

The truck continued to beep until at last, a young woman came running out of her house.

Sophie. The new girl on the block. With her chocolate brown hair and eyes as green as emeralds, Ben was sure he had just seen an angel.

With grace, she walked slowly towards the mover truck. "Hey Joe! Sorry, I was just having breakfast. Do you need any help?"

"Yeah,  just grab that big box over there and move it into the sitting room. That would be great!"

"Sure thing."

When Joe said "Big," he meant BIG. The box was almost as big as Sophie. But Sophie was not one to back down from a challenge.

"I can do this, I can do this," she repeated.

With all her strength, she proceeded to try lift it up. As Ben continued to stare in awe of her beauty, he soon realised that the box was too heavy for her and that he should probably go help her.

Paralyzed. Unable to move. Try as he might, he was not going anywhere without making a decision.

Right Ben. What do you want to choose, "Go help her and be a gentleman" or "Let her do it, she can handle it."

Ben looked back at Sophie who looked like she was about to fall over. "Option 1!"

Good choice!

Finally able to move again, he ran towards Sophie and was just in time. Whilst mid-air falling to the ground, Ben came to her safety and caught her.

"You know I could've handled that myself!"

"I'm sure you could've," he said sarcastically.

On her feet again, her lips formed a smile. "I'm Sophie," she held out her hand.

"Ben," taking his hand out he shook hers. An electric shock zapped both their hands.

"Oww," Sophie laughed.

"So your new?"

She nodded.

"Well, welcome to Moonshine Valley."

"Hey so.. um.. me and a few friends are going to the beach, wanna join? I mean you don't have to, I respect your decision either way." She paused. Ben could tell that she was nervous. "All i'm trying to say is that, I would love it if you came," she finally exhaled.

Before the words "I'd love to," left Ben's lips, the mysterious voice came back.

"So what's it gonna be Ben, Option 1: go with her or Option 2: pass I'll stay home?"


"Option 1," he whispers sharply.

"Did you say something?" Sophie looked at Ben concerned.

"No, but I would love to come!"

"Yayay! Okay let's go!"

The night was still.

By the time Ben and Sophie arrived at the beach, they were talking as if they had known each other for years.

Walking only inches a part from each other, hands so close they were almost touching, they looked out to the sea, embracing in all it's beauty. 

"This has been a great night."

"I agree."

Sophie turned to face Ben, now only inches apart from each other. Ben leaned closer, lips almost touching.


Water splashing across Ben's face, he fell back in fright.

"Sophie! Now I'm soaked!"

"Haha shame!"

And just like that Sophie disappeared under the waves.

"Keen for a swim?"


"Just jump in!"

Like two swans, they waded through the water. The moon shining down on them.

"We should head in."

"Do you trust me?"

"Yeh I guess."

Sophie took hold of Ben's hand and pulled him under the water.

"But I can't swi--."

Sophie's head emerged from the crystal waters, yet Ben did not.

Seems like you're in a bit of a bad situation. So what will it be, Option 1: wait and see if Sophie will help and/or try get her attention or Option 2: Struggle and try your hardest to get back to the surface?

But when Ben said the option he chose, it only came out as a collection of bubbles.

Energy began to leave his body until he purely gave up and began to sink.



"Are you okay?"

"Sophie, I'm fine."

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