Chapter 2

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"Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life." - Keri Russell

It had been a week since Ben had last seen Sophie at the beach and one month since he had first moved to Moonshine Valley. School was starting up again after a two week break.

"Ben! WAKE UP! The school bus will be here any minute now!"

"I'm getting up." As he attempts to get up out of his bed, overwhelmed with exhaustion he falls back to sink into his cloud-like duvet. His eyes flickering and then shutting.

A wave straight out of the Pacific Ocean splashed him across the face.

"Hey! Was that necessary?"

"The bus is waiting outside! Now get up!"

Hurrying, he changes his shirt, fastens on his belt after quickly sliding into some jeans. Down the stairs, step by step, he enters the kitchen, grabbing his piece of marmalade toast and running out the house.

And then it hits him. He forgot his assessment.

"Ben. Wassup Dude," came that weird mysterious voice.

"What do you want!"

"Decision time."

"Aaargh. Seriously? Right now?"

Though his legs continued to move swiftly towards the big yellow taxi, his brain was caught up between two decisions.

"1. Go back and get your homework. 2. Make it to school."

"2! Now leave me alone."

"As you wish but just remember sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life."

"Yes, I know!"

"See if you hadn't decided to go help Sophie, you would never had met her."

"You're right! I admit it."

The bus was indicating that it was about to set off but before it could Ben jumped up onto the platform as the doors closed right behind him.

"Welcome students. Please hand in your assessments to the office. If you don't have them, I will find out and your family will be notified."


"Is there a problem Mr. Williams?"

"No miss. I just realised I forgot my lunch."

"I hope you didn't forget your assessment too."

"Of course not," Ben laughed nervously. "Must go. First period is starting."

First and second period went smoothly but the thought of his mother being rung by the school dwelled in his head till an unexpected and unwanted announcement over the microphone disturbed his thoughts.

"Ben Williams, report to the principal's office. IMMEDIATELY!"

"Ahaha good on ya mate, of course you forgot your assessment. Typical Ben," his classmate laughs.

Ben looks down at the floor with embarrassment as he walks out the classroom door, to see someone resembling a familiar face, running down the hallways.


But she did not turn back but continued to run towards the bathroom, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Sophie, are you alright? Sophie!"

Following her, he sees she has disappeared behind the bathroom door. It was forbidden that any boy go in there.

"Hey Benny boy I'm back," the mysterious voice returns.

"Not you again."

"You have a decision to make.1. Go into the bathroom. 2. Wait outside."

"Aargh, stuff it. 1!"

He turns the door handle, walking into the forbidden place.

"Ben! Is that you?" her voice bringing back so many memories, yet sounded different.


The cold slicing touch of a dagger presses against his throat.

"What do you want?" he begins to panic.

"You think this game is going to be easy. Well its not," she hissed.

"What do you mean? What game?"

"Ben, I fear for your life. Decision time. Please make thright decision," the voice comes back.

"What do you mean? Since when have you ever cared about me?"

"Who are you talking to?" the girl yelled.

"Ben, hurry! We dont have much time. 1. Punch her. 2. Grab the mop to yoru right and hit her. Or your extra option 3. Call for help."

"I don't know. I don't know. What do I do?" he says petrified. 'I came to school, not to be killed in the girls bathroom."

His captors hand releases the knife and it falls to the ground and soon enough, so does his captor.

"Learn to make quicker decisions next time Ben."

"Sophie! Thank you!"

"anytime . Please don't be stupid and make the right decisions."

"How did you take her out?"

"Thats for me to know and for you to not worry about."

"I missed you so much," he smiled.

"I missed you too."

"Now we should probably get out of here. You're not really supposed to be in here," she laughed.

He pulled her closer and they locked lips.

Maybe he will find his happily ever after, after all.

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