Chapter 3

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"You are only one decision from a totally different life." - Anonymous

Prom was nearing. And I, of course, had no date. Wow! What a surprise! (that's sarcasm by the way)

It had been a while since I last saw Sophie so I was hoping that perhaps we could go together. 

But turns out she already has a date, well according to my friend, James. So I guess that card is off the table. I'm probably just going to have to go by myself. But the thing is I really want to go with her, only her. There's no other girl that I've ever met that is nearly as heroic, as kind, beautiful, the list goes on. 

"Hey Ben," she smiles.

"Hey Sophie," my eyes stare at the white tiles beneath me.

"What's up? You seem upset. You can tell me anything. I'm here for you."

"I'm alright. Hey i got to go. See you in chemistry."

"Okay bye?" I can feel her eyes watch me as I walk away.

I feel bad. I shouldn't have just left like that. She doesn't deserve that. I should've told her the truth. That I loved her and I wanted her to be the one I took to prom.

"Bro," my friend Henry nudges me. "You should've asked her."

"Doesn't matter, she already has a date," I say forlornly.

"Who told you that?" Henry questions.


"He likes Sophie. He wants to ask her and he knows that Sophie likes you so he wanted to trick you into thinking she had a date, so he would ask her and she would have to say yes. A stupid plan, if i do say so myself. Who would want to go with James to prom. No offence."

"She likes me?"

"Did you even listen to all of what I just said?" Henry raises his eyebrow.

"She likes me!" I jump with joy.

The familiar voice begins,"question time Ben: Option 1: Ask Sophie to Prom  or   Option 2: Chicken out of the situation and never know what she may say."

A sudden burst of confidence overwhelms me. "Option 2."

And before I know it I've turned around, running straight towards Sophie to exclaim the words : "Will you go to prom with me."

There was a breathless silence throughout the hallways. Tens of eyes staring at me, awaiting her answer. I was prepared for the worst. For a "no, sorry." But instead she threw her arms around me and hugged me, whispering "yes," in my ear.

Clapping echoes throughout the halls and words of "congratulations" and of celebration bounce off the school walls. 

Prom rolled around and I was so excited and Sophie seemed excited too. Little did she know, I had a surprise in store for her.

It was a Saturday, 7:00 pm. Exiting, the rented limo, I walk up to the mahoghany door and knock.

"You must be Ben," a middle aged man greeted me warmly.

"You must be Sophie's dad."

"Yes I am. Call me Karl," he says, shaking my hand.

And then I see her. An angel walking down the steps of heaven.

"Hey," her jovial face beams. 

"Oh my gosh, " the words barely escaping my lips as I stand in awe of the angel in front of me.

Her father turns to me."She's beautiful isn't she? Now you two lovebirds should be off."

The night was amazing and went by so fast. There was lots of dancing, speeches and more. It was almost the end but I had one more trick up my sleeve.

"Follow me," I whisper.

She places her hand gently in mine and we run out, past the teachers and out the grand hall doors.

"Where are we going?" she says excitedly.

"You'll see."

A smile stretches across her face as she sees a picnic blanket with pillows, food and sleeping bags, all facing a wonderful view of the ocean and the setting sun.

We sit down and she looks across at me, smiling. "I can't believe you did this all for me."

"Of course. You're special to me."

Her twinkling eyes admire the mellow and beauteous arrange of colours, slowly falling behind the horizon.

And then she turns back, looking at me with her loving eyes, to say; "I love you."

"I love you too."

I pull her closely, until our lips touch.

"Come with me," I extend my hand.

"Where are we going now?" she laughs.

"Welcome to my favourite place in the whole world." 

"Oh my gosh. This is beautiful," she exclaims.

This cliff that looks over the water was such an angelic and bewitching sight. It made me feel at peace and on top of the world. I would always come up here to get away from my hectic life.

Taking a few steps forward, she tries to get a better look of the rocks and water below.

The ground shifts underneath her. Although she tries to catch her balance, she fails and her feet part from the earth beneath her .She sighs with relief as she feels my hand wrapped around hers.

"Decision time Ben. 1) Pull her up    or  2) let her go."

In a state of panick, I blurt out "2!"

Her hand releases from my grip, the image of her petrified face looking up at me with hopeless eyes as she falls to her demise stains my memory. A blanket of darkness covers my eyes and I am left, alone. 

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