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Benjis POV:
I was in my room when I heard a knock on my front door. I ran down stairs because my parents were at work and my brother was at a friends house. So I got to the door and started to open it.

Jorge's POV:
I saw the door knob start to turn i got so nervous that my stomach started to hurt. When the door opened I saw Benji his face was pale, white and his eyes were wide open with tears forming.
Hi Benji...

3rd person:
Benji then jumps out the door and hugs Jorge. Tears rolling down Benjis face. Without hesitation Jorge hugs back.

Jorge's POV:
Don't cry love, it's just me.
*Sniff* what are you doing here so early, Benji says.
Well I wanted to surprise you.
*sniff* I'm so happy your here, I've all ways wanted to hug you, Benji says with tears rolling down his face.
Hehe me too Benji...

Thanks for reading. Hope have have enjoyed the story so far. Thx for all the support.

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