💗Is this a date?💗

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Benjis POV:
I put down my new paint and brushes on my desk and looked over at Jorge, I could see that he was blushing. He noticed I was staring at him. "What?" Jorge said blushing even more than before.
"Your blushing." I replied
"WHAT NO IM NOT!" Jorge said trying to hide his face.
"Ya ok." I said sarcastically. "Anyway I'm starving let go get some food."
So we went down stairs and got in the car and drove to a restaurant called La Tagliatella. P.S. that is an actual restaurant in Madrid, Spain 🇪🇸

Jorge's POV:
Benji told me that we're going to a restaurant, if I would've known sooner I would have worn something better, all I was wearing was a pink sweater and some jeans.
"Time skip"
We got to are table, at the table there was a lit candle and we were sitting across from each other. It looks like we're on a date.
"Hey Benji, can I ask you something?"
"Sure." Benji said
"Um is this a date?" I said awkwardly
He looked at me, "well" before he could finish his sentence the Waitress walked over.
"So have you gentleman figured out your orders." The waitress said with a friendly grin...

Haha cliffhanger😈 I'm so evil. Anyway hope you enjoyed the story so far. Thanks for 3k reads. K love all of you bye💕

🍌Benjey🍓Where stories live. Discover now