💜The present💜

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3rd person:
After they were done hugging Benji wiped the tears of joy off his face and took Jorge's hand and his bag up stares.

Jorge's POV:
Once me and Benji got into his room I sat on his bed wile he put my bag down. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom I will be right back." Benji said wile walking out of the room. So I just sat there viewing the room. Wow, me in my tiktok crushes room. "Speaking of tiktok my fans don't know I'm here", so I pulled out my phone and took a picture in Benjis signature spot on his floor. I took the picture and posted it with the caption " guess who's house I'm at." After I posted it my fans immediately knew were I was and they went crazy.

After I was done something on Benjis desk caught my eye, a small box. Just as I picked it up Benji walked in to the room, "oh you found your present!" Benji said with a big grin.
My present? I said confused.

Yep open it...

Thanks for reading. I hope you like the story so far. Sorry it's really bad.😤 sorry all my chapters are so short...

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