🦋I love you🦋

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Benjis POV:
Oh, yes we are ready to order. Me and Jorge ordered are are food. " so are you going to answer my question?" Jorge said nervously.
Well, ever since we started talking a have all ways liked you, so...
"I like you to benji."Jorge giggled.
"So I guess you can call it a date." I smiled
After we talked for a wile and ate are food we left. Hey do you want to get some ice cream.
"Sure." Jorge said with a smile
I got strawberry and Jorge got banana. Obviously😄
After we got are ice cream we walked to a near by park. Hey let's go sit over there. We sad down on a bench.

Jorge's POV:
"Hey benji can I ask you something?"Jorge said.
What is it?
Will you be my b-boyfriend?
"Of course I will." Benji said.
After he said that we just stared at each other. I saw his face move closer, then I felt his soft lip press against mine. We staid like that until I had to pull away to breath.
I love you Benji...
I love you too jeyjey💕
After that we sat there looking at the stars together

The end ⭐️ 💫🌟

Thank you all for all of your support I love all of you. I hope you liked my first story. If your wondering why I ended it, it's because I got pretty bored with the plot so I will be writing a lot better ones in the future. Don't worry I will be writing a new one very soon. I cant tell you how happy I am for all the love. Thank you💕💕

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