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"Speak" people speak

'Thought' people thought

"Speak" demon/demonic speak

'Thought' demon/demonic thought

A/N: Hello world! If you see errors, please write. I will accept any constructive criticism. Please enjoy!!! I don't own Naruto.

-----First Day In Blood Prison It's 6 AM Morning-----

Naruto woke up and starting his routine until exhausted. Routine take 30 minutes and now he is sleeping again.

-----30 Minutes Later-----

"ALRIGHT, WAKE UP EVERYONE!!!" Two guards yelled.

After several minutes everyone except blonde boy is up. One guard making way towards his cell.

"Hey you! Wake up!" guard shouted at blonde.

"I don't want to wake up and why should I? I'm in prison." Naruto argued with guard making him angry. He stare at blonde 5 or so minutes. "Ok you wanted this." With that words guard starts going towards Naruto with some kind of staff. He started beating Naruto to death after one of guards stopped him. Naruto now have few broken ribs and some bruises. And worst of all Kurama can't heal him because of this seal. Naruto black out.

"Take him to hospital!" one guard shouted at other.

"Yes, Sir!"


Naruto woke up and see him in white room "I'm dead, huh?". Naruto asked himself loudly.

"No you aren't kid. You are in hospital." nurse answered. Naruto spotted female figure besides him. She has pale skin, hair clip attached to hair, brown short hair, brown eyes, nice figure and normal white uniform that nurses use in hospitals.

 She has pale skin, hair clip attached to hair, brown short hair, brown eyes, nice figure and normal white uniform that nurses use in hospitals

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(A/N: This is how she looks like.)

"Who are you?" Naruto asked politely.

"My name is Ryu Kirishima, I'm nurse in this hospital. And yours?"

"Uzuma-."Naruto bit his tongue before he finished. "Naruto no Yōko."

"Hmm... So you are new. What did you do?"

"What do you mean?" he asked confused. He don't about what her question is about, 'How he got to this prison' or 'How he got to hospital'.

"What happened that you are here of all places?" she asked curiosity.

"Ohhh... You mean how I got to this prison?"


"Okay. What happen is..." he started explain how he fight with Sasuke, his wound, what happened when he get back to village, what his so called 'friends' and 'family' most likely Tsunade and Jirayia told him. "And this is what happened."

"It's sad." she said emotionless. Of course Naruto noticed that she didn't care about him and his story she only wanted to know reason of being put in this prison not full story.

"You can go, Naruto." she added and is about leaving.

"But I didn't full recovered!" he shouted at her.

Ryu looked over her shoulder and he can see her eyes. Eyes full of anger towards him.

"Listen kid! I don't have time to watch over you all time so you better leave now or no one in this place will care for your injuries." she yelled at him and leave.

He quickly left the hospital. And he went to the canteen for something to eat.


When he get there he noticed that everyone glared at him for some reason. He goes for some food and go sits alone in corner. He ate fast and starts to got up when notice some people walking towards him. Naruto don't know what to do so he starts making his way toward exit hoping that they leave him alone. Luck isn't on his side. Some people blocked his way to exit.

"Where do you think your going blondie? Give me your food and you can go." One prisoner shouted to Naruto. Our blonde looked at him. Person who shouted has one dark blue eye, the other covered with a scar, a dark skin and has an earring in one ear. He was bald, tall and muscled. He wore black ANBU pants, black sandals and a white shirt for straps with kanji 'FREE'.

"Sorry i ate all already. Can I go now, i don't want to have trouble." Naruto asked with little fear in his voice.

"So you are without hesitation to not share your food with me. Every newbie who came here give me his food. And still you don't give me yours. You will be punished for that blonde." Prisoner said with maniac grin on his face.

They take him by the arms and legs and drag him to the bathhouse. One of them throws him in the corner and shows him the kitchen knife. There are three of them, one who shouted at him. One with pale skin, brown short hair, black eyes. He was tall, but he was lower than a prisoner shouting and he was muscled.. He wore an ANBU gray pants, brown sandals, a black T-shirt, and a black blue hooded jacket. Another was lower than the other two. He has fair skin, black long hair, green eyes and scars that cover his face. He isn't too muscled. He wears dark green ANBU pants, black brown sandals and a black T-shirt with long sleeves.


"Shall we begin your punishment?" the middle height asked he has knife in his right hand.

"No. Please! NO!" Naruto screamed as knife hit his left leg.

"Shut up brat! You should had know that you have to give us your food!" smaller shouted and kick him hard in Naruto's gut. He fly across entire bathhouse. Naruto screamed before vomited his meal. "If we can't have your food, then you too can't!" Before Naruto could do anything he was leaning against the walls by a man with a scar on one eye. He hits him hard in entire torso breaking few of Naruto's ribs. Naruto starts bleeding from his wound from knife on his left leg and mouth because of internal damage. Three men starts talking to each other about something that Naruto couldn't hear. After talk prisoners looked at Naruto with maniac grin on their faces. Three starts walking towards him. What happened next was even worse. 

Prisoners are now in front of Naruto and they are tempting him to get up. When he stood two of them starts ripping his cloths. Naruto only can imagine what happen next but he abandoned one scenario 'TO BE RAPED.' Again, luck isn't on his side and the worst case scenario has come true. They raped him for hour.

After that three men leave to canteen without Naruto leaving him to death. After they are out of sight Naruto black out.

-----In Naruto's Cell-----

Naruto starts waking up in his cell with bandages covering his entire torso and left leg. He open his eyes and remembered what happened. He start crying and only one thought appear in his mind 'THIS PLACE IS WORSE THAN KONOHA!!!' with that thought he again blacked out and had nightmare about that day.

A/N: I really hate myself for what i did to Naruto, but this is necessary for his character in the future. I really sorry for nurse i know maybe someone may thought that nurse will be someone who care about him but this will ruined my plan for emotionless Naruto. I'm not a racist. Oh and big info in next chapter or another one will be many time skips so I'm sorry. Okay with that info I'm saying goodbye to you. SAYONARA AND SEE YOU SOON.

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