New Friends and Old Friends

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This chapter may offend some audiences and explicit language please read at your own risk.


"Time to get up for school Hope" Dave yells throughout the house. I throw on my sparkly black sweater, black jeans, black booties, and my red heart shaped purse. I walk downstairs and eat the blueberry pancakes that Dave made. "We'll leave in five minutes. I still have to get ready for work." Dave explains on his way upstairs.

" Dave explains on his way upstairs

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"Bye Dave." I say and shut the cop car door. I walk in through the school doors. I walk to my locker and put everything I don't need in there. On my way to class I get knocked over. "I am so sorry" he says grabbing some of my books. "It's okay. It happens all the time. Sometimes on purpose." I say helping him pick up my stuff.

"Why would anyone be mean to such a beautiful woman like you?" He says. "Cause I'm the freak of the school. The last family member I had was killed yesterday." I explain. "What's your name by the way?" I continue. Of course I already knew his name I just didn't want to sound like a freak. "Ah yes. My name is Damon. And what might yours be?" Damon states kissing the back of my palm.

 And what might yours be?" Damon states kissing the back of my palm

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"My name is Hope" I tell Damon. "Everyone's about to get here. Let's get to class. What's your first hour today?" Damon asks. "Mrs. Peterson." I say. "No way, mine too." Damon says in his cute exciting voice.

You can't hang out with him. You know everything that happens to anyone around you. "Let's walk together." Damon suggests. "Okay but I'd like to sit alone." I explain. "Oh. Okay" Damon said in an upsetting voice. "It's for your own good that you don't hang out with me. Did you not hear the part where I said everyone around me gets hurt or killed. And trust me you don't want to be seen with me."

"Who cares about all that Hope. It's not you killing all these people." Damon trys to explain. "Might as well be." I whisper. I get a notification on my phone, either Dave is being really creepy and protective and watching me or it's Katherine, my one best friend.

Kat: I heard about what happened to your dad. I'm flying over now. I'm about to get on the plane so I won't be able to respond.

Me: K. Thanks so much for always being there for me

Kat: No need to thank me

Me and Damon walk into the classroom. He sits in the front and I sit in my usual spot. Class starts but I can't focus, can you blame me my dad was brutally murdered yesterday.

After class I rushed out, unaware of Damon following close behind. When I got to my locker he turned me around to face him and slammed his hands on the lockers beside my head. "DAMMIT. ALL CLASS I COULDN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU. Why do you have this much control over my mind?" his voice faded as he talked, something he does alot.

 Why do you have this much control over my mind?" his voice faded as he talked, something he does alot

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"I don't know. I'm so sorry but we can't you'll get hurt." Tears start streaming down my face. The first new person who talks to me in a year and I push them away. I have had a crush on Damon since elementary school.

"I don't care, Hope. As long as it's you I'm with I don't care." Damon says. "We could be friends. And if you do get interested in the freak of the school, aka me, then we can take it further after my life gets sorted out. I don't want you getting hurt, but since you won't let me protect you then this all I can do" I explain finally turning around and grabbing everything I need.

"Then I will wait. I'll wait an eternity until we can start being together." Damon states. "That's not going to happen any time soon" I say more to myself then to Damon. "And I understand that because your dad just died and-" Damon gets cut off by Olivia.

"Hold on, the freaks dad dies too. Suprise, suprise" Olivia says in a mocking tone. "Olivia, stop being the bitch you are. You need to get a reality check, cause one day, the person you love will die, it's life. Now stop being a dick and grow the fuck up." Damon sticks up for me.

"You may just be my knight in shinning armor. Oh, would you look at that." I tease. "What?" Damon says sounding panicked. "The armor isn't so shiny and it's made out of steel." I state. "Why isn't it so shiny?" Damon asks. "Probably because you waited 9 years" I tease yet again.


"Hey Dave I'm home." The house stays quiet. No he didn't-. I check upstairs in his room I check everywhere but my room. Finally giving up I go up to my room. Maybe he had an emergency report or call. The 'Smith Family Serial Killer', as I like to call him, didn't kill him.

I walk into my all black room, I'm a black and white person, I sit on my bed and my closet door opens I jump up "Kat, omg you scared me. You can't do that especially with the Smith family serial killer out." I say, my hand gripping my heart seeing that it almost jumped out of my chest.

"You needed a little laugh. And did I forget to mention that the flight left right after you texted me so I needed to hurry and respond?" Kat asks in her squeaky 'I wanted to suprise you but I'm going to act like I told you so you won't get mad' voice.

"I love you, but if you do that one more time I may think it's you who's out to get me." I joke, it's the way I cope, at least until two months later when reality kicks in. "Do you think it's your ex?" Kat asks. "I don't know. He was a crazy sociopath, who was obsessed with the idea of me and him. When I broke up with him he just disappea- OH MY GOSH Kat I think we have a lead." I exclaim. Kat plops down on my bed.

Kat looks up at me and smiles

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Kat looks up at me and smiles. "I figured something out that even Dave couldn't." She says excited. "We have to go find him." Kat says in her 'I'm ready for adventure' voice. I gulp, hard. He was very abusive in our relationship. "Let's go." Kat says getting up.

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