letter six.

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It's Christmas Eve and it's your Birthday. Happy Birthday my love.. How old are you now? I wish I could cuddle you and tell you how much I love you, and shower you in Birthday love but I can't. I wish I could.. God Louis I wish I could. Now five months since you've been gone. It's around 9PM and I'm just sat by the fire, holding this notebook and a warm cup of hot chocolate. Okay so I put a small Christmas tree up because my mother would not stop bugging me about it. I went over to your mothers house earlier. She was crying because it was our first Christmas without you. And it was your Birthday. She got a cake and we sang to your picture, I had to leave Louis I couldn't do it. I just bursted out crying as soon as I saw you. Lottie came to comfort me. We both shared our emotions. I mean it was good to get some of it out I suppose. Then I left, I just sat in my car for the longest time and screamed and cried. Why did God take you from me!? Why God! Damn it.. I'm sorry angel. I'm sorry. I have to go. I love you so much my sweet angel. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas.. 



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