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"What are you doing, novice?"Instead of answering you shoved a dried date in front of the assassin's face

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"What are you doing, novice?"
Instead of answering you shoved a dried date in front of the assassin's face. "Want one?" You had to look up at him since you were sitting underneath the cooling shadow of a palm tree and he standing. 

"Shouldn't you be training?", Altaïr asked but took the fruit nonetheless.
"Shouldn't you be teaching me? I haven't seen you all morning. The time we wanted to meet for combat training." "You could have started on your own. Besides, I had to engage in a sudden mission. It was important."
"Couldn't you have told me? I waited in the bare sunlight for hours because I knew you would've called me weak if I'd seek shelter." Altaïr shrugged. "At least you learned something."

"That's-, I-", a sigh left your lips and you bit into another date while holding the wooden bowl towards your mentor. He took one without thanking and sat down besides you with his legs crossed. All movements soundless and smooth like a cat's.

His shoulder graced yours. For a second you wanted to rest your head on it and sleep, but you quickly pushed that idea aside and just pressed a finger against your temple. Altaïr noticed. The corner of his lips twitched ever so slightly. Was he about to make a snarky remark? Again? But he kept quiet, just looked at you from time to time like a wild animal that eyed its prey from afar.

"How did it go?"
"Hm?" He knew what you meant, still acted as if not. "The mission. Did everything go well?" A nod.
"Great", more than muttering wouldn't come over your dry lips, Altaïr seemingly didn't want to start a conversation and so you placed the date-bowl on the ground and decided to listen to the howling wind that gushed around your face from time to time.

All the sounds beyond the headquarters got carried within the breeze, whispering and hushing mixed into soft melodies. As did the rustling of Altaïr's robes as he seemed to have moved closer to you, but it didn't bother you a bit. In fact, it was nice to know that he felt comfortable enough to sit by your side and not be as tense and restless as usual.

If there was one thing you knew best about the man, then it would be his dislike for physical contact. But he broke that statement as he unexpectedly did exactly what you intended to minutes ago- the male rested his head against your shoulder and let out a breath of exhaustion.

Without a word you lifted a hand underneath his hood and run your fingers through his short, brown hair. A few wet locks were tangled together and you undid them. Altaïr must have been sweating a lot underneath the white robes that he wore since morning. How long must he have had endured the heat? Guild made your chest feel heavy whilst you recalled your nagging from before. To distract yourself, you let your fingertips brush against Altaïr's tan skin and he welcomed it with a satisfied hum.


Time passed quickly and the day bowed towards an end.

With the sinking of the blazing sun the sky was embellish by orange and red clouds which edges glowed golden. And with a bittersweet feeling in the pit of your stomach you asked: "Should we head inside?"

The question however was left unspoken as both knew the answer already. Nobody wanted to part from the other, completely dazed in the comfort of their touch.

Moments like these were something you adored the most. Cherished.
Why couldn't you do it more often?
Staying with each other, forgetting about all your problems, even if it would be just for a while, and letting all hurt and pain get swept away like dried leafes on the mirroring surface of the sea.

"Novice", his voice was rougher than before.


Altaïr lifted his head and stood up. You took the hand he extended towards you and let yourself get pulled of the ground. Nervousness made your heart beat faster. Why? Because he had not let go of your hand yet and drew you even closer, so that you could glance into his honey-golden eyes.

"Tomorrow. Let's rest now and train tomorrow."


He dipped his head sideways and gazed at your face as if he was seeing it for the first time. Caressing your cheek, Altaïr, your trainer, your mentor leaned forwards until your lips were almost touching. "Say, did you miss me?", he whispered, breath brushing your visibly quivering lips.

Chuckling, then he smiled. For the first time since you knew him. And it was gifted to you. Only you. "Really? Because I sure know that I did."
"Are you testing me, Altaïr Ibn-laʼahad?" Your lips ghosted over his, delicately, teasing. "I might be."

Then he finally cupped both of your cheeks and kissed you. Your lips melted together perfectly, as if they were formed to fit one another. The kiss itself felt like changing wind, wild and hard, calm and pure. Your minds drowned in a wave of heat and passion.

After pulling away, you could still feel every part of your body tingle with euphoria.

Seconds later you dared to take in the sight before you; a heavily breathing Altaïr, whoms hair was disheveled and fully visible- because you pulled the hood off and run your hand's through it- with a gentle look in his eyes.

"Maybe we should skip training more often."


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