Chapter Two

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Jason came home to find his wife passed out on the bed. He smiled once he saw her and leaned down to kiss her forehead. She had spent the rest of her time keeping busy, unpacking and rearranging all of their important items.

She began to stir and eventually sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Oh, hello, Jason. You're home," she smiled.

"Yeah, Sunshine," he sighed, placing his bag down on the floor and lying on the bed with Molly. He wrapped his arms around her torso.

"Jason, what are you doing?" The girl giggled.

He mumbled something unrecognizable.


"I'm snuggling with my beautiful wife," he answered.

"Oh my goodness, well we've still got to wash up and eat supper and change before bed–"

"It can wait," He interrupted, kissing her cheek. "I'm tired."

She sighed, completely giving up. She was rather comfortable, after all. "Alright, Jason. Just this one time."

This scenario made her think of something that had happened when they were younger...

"So, we just stay here til morning?" Jason asked her.

"Sure," she answered. "As long as we're out here, we're sure to catch a glimpse of a wild animal."

The two camped outside the whole night in hopes of seeing some type of unique wildlife to write down for their school's assignment.

Well, the night droned on and by midnight, they were out. You just could make out two figures lying on the ground in the dim firelight.

That night, Molly woke up before Jason and realized the position they were in. It would be an understatement to say she had blushed. Her face flushed a tomato red, and she quickly got out from under him before shoving him awake vigorously.

Molly smiled, lying in bed with Jason. As a child, she never thought she'd be there, in their very own room. Especially not at seventeen years of age.

Jason whispered, "Remember when I got poison ivy just so I could be near you?" He chuckled.

"Yes, I do!" Her face lit up at the thought of the precious memory. "I still can't believe you did that! It took weeks to get over."

"It hurts!" Molly cried, her mother dabbing her face with a towel.

"Well, you shouldn't have walked through the ivy brush, sweetheart," Mrs. Mayfield said.

"I didn't know it was poison ivy!" The little girl whined.

Just then, Jason came bolting through the door. He slowed down when he saw her. "Molly, does it hurt?"

"A lot," she answered.

"Here, let me help."

"No, I'm sorry Jason, dear, but you won't be able to play with Molly for a while. Not until her skin heals," her mother said.

These words were like a knife in Jason's heart, and at the time, there was only one thing for him to do. So he went down to the ivy brush and practically bathed in the leaves.

For Molly, when she saw Jason come back through the door, covered in the same small sores she had, she put on a grand smile.

"Uh, Mrs. Betty, I think I got poison ivy, too," he said, giving Molly a secret smile.

"Oh, good heavens!" The woman exclaimed. "Let me call your mother!"

"Did you ever tell Mrs. Olivia how you happened to get it at the same time as me?" Molly asked, still grinning.

"Nope," He answered, laughing. "She never asked."

Molly turned around so she was facing him. "I love you, Jason Walton. You're my best friend, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"What, are we already renewing our vows?" He asked, joking. "I'm just kidding. I love you too," he said, then gave her a long and passionate kiss on those red lips.

A/N: Hey to everyone who's reading this! Sorry that it's a bit short, but I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments and while you're at it, leave a vote pls! Sorry I didn't update yesterday; I was busy!!
😘😘Love y'all

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