Chapter 5

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Gabriel's house but not his home

"I'm glad it was you."

41 miles to JPL

"I told you that was a stupid idea. You idiots almost got me killed,"panted Darius,"I didn't even wanna be at summer camp. I should be at Cabo taking jelly shots off of someone's ass cheeks."
"Slow down,"Ivy whispered holding onto Gabriels hand tighter.
"What do you think these things are after?"Asked Zhenzhen.
"Food maybe. Resources. It's possible their planet went dry and they came to raid ours,"Alex suggested.
"What gives you that idea?" Asked Darius.
"Nothing. It's the most common invasion movie plot."
"Maybe their here to find mates. That would explain the erotic rendezvous  with Darius earlier,"grinned Zhenzhen.
"Hey woah woah. We're not gonna do all that okay. That was strictly platonic,"Darius said,"Let's just head north okay to the desert. Get as far away from these things as we can get alright.Far away."
"There is no away from those things,"Zhenzhen stated.
"Zhenzhen's right. The only way we are going to survive is if we get this key to Dr Fielding. It's what that soldier was going to do,"Said Alex.
"He died. Okay? Look if a bunch of badass marines can't get that key 40 feet  away without getting deep fried...what makes you think that we can get it within 40 miles,"Exclaimed Darius.
"We have to. It's on us,"Alex stated.
"Okay well we're not going anywhere until we get some food. Maybe even some sleep if we can,"Said Zhenzhen.

"Alright alright fine,"sighed Darius," What's up with Chico?"
That caused Ivy to look up at Gabriel's face,she could see slight tears building up in his eyes.
"Hey what's wrong?" Whispered Ivy softly.
"This is my street,"he mumbled.
"Great! Can we go into your house!" Exclaimed Alex.
"It's my house's not my home,"he replied," I haven't been totally honest with you guys. I was in the mountains because... I was in juvie and I escaped. So even if my mum is here she's not gonna want to see me."
Gabriel gently removed Ivy from him as everyone comforted him and walked.
Ivy hadn't told Gabriel that she had been in juvie to. She didn't know if she wanted to.

At Gabriel's house

"Oh damn. Man we need to get my man Jacobi up in here,"said Darius.
"It's looters,"sighed Ivy.
"Alright let's find something to eat okay,"said Darius walking into the kitchen.

Once everyone was sat in a circle on the floor, they began to eat some sandwiches that Darius had found.
"I shouldn't have hit you,"Said Gabriel.
"I don't know I can be real mean. Besides it doesn't hurt as much as seeing this gunk on my new j's,"replied Darius.
"How can you care about sneakers in a time like this?"Asked Alex.
"You know what you guys are lucky you have no friends. It's hard out here for a pimp you know. You have to keep up with the flyest shit. The dopest kicks. The tightest whip. The baddest chick.Yeh my friends their  like bears
you know as soon as they smell weakness their just coming straight at your neck,"Darius explained," That's why I keep this on my neck. Diamonds."
"Does Darius mean douchebag in Farsi?"Asked Alex.
"What's Farsi?"Asked Darius.
"It's the language your mum was screaming when you were coming out of her ass."
Everyone started to laugh.
"Hey don't talk about my mums ass alright. You wish you were there."
"I mean no offence dude but those don't sound like friends,"Gabriel said.
Everyone quietened down as a plane flew past the window.
"Hey how did you even end up in jail?" Asked Darius.
"My dad left when I was about 10. I got a job as a bag boy at a grocery store my mum worked at to help her with money. One time she steps away I had to take over the cash register. I was helping a customer and he started to accuse me of stealing from him. I guess I gave him the wrong change. I get numbers muddled in my head sometimes unless I see them written down but he didn't believe me. And um I lost it and broke his nose. Mum got fired and sent me away. She never came round to visit me once,"explained Gabriel.

"Your not the only one,"Ivy  said sitting up.
"What do you mean?" Asked Alex.

"When I was just 3 years old my parents died in a car crash and none  of my relatives could look after me. Sooo I got put into foster care. About 2 years ago when I was 13 I got sent to juvie for 8 months. I got caught stealing from the supermarket and they caught me for graffiti. I got into a lot of fights and caused chaos everyday when I was there. I was going to get sent again this summer for getting into a fight in a public place but instead they sent me to the camp. The cops worried that if I went back to juvie I'd cause even more trouble. I expect that when this war stops...if it stops...I'll be taken to a new foster home. It will be my 13th," Ivy explained.
"Why your 13th?"Asked Darius.
"All the other foster homes said they can't put up with me. I'm to much trouble for them."
"You can't choose your family but you can always make a new one,"smiled Zhenzhen.

Zhenzhen grabbed her camera and they all crowded round. There wasn't a lot of space left for Ivy so she ended up practically sitting on Gabriel's knee.
"Oh we're taking an old school selfie," Darius laughed as they all smiled at the camera.

"Dude just stop playing with the Rubik's cube alright,"snapped Darius.
"I can't,"Said Alex.
"Okay we can all agree that the girls get the beds and we get the floor right?" Said Gabriel.
"Yeh of course it's the most gentleman thing to do,"agreed Alex.
The boys quietened down as Ivy and Zhenzhen walked back in the room. Zhenzhen was wearing a red onesie , whilst Ivy was wearing a pair of shorts with a crop top that had avocados on.
"One of you can sleep with me,"Said Zhenzhen climbing onto a bed.
"And one of you can sleep with me,"Said Ivy also climbing onto a bed.

The boys quickly rushed out of the room and into the kitchen.
"Woah woah wait wait. Did they just say one of us could sleep with them ?" Exclaimed Gabriel.
"Okay look I volunteer my services for Zhenzhen, for the good of the group andddd because I've had the most experience,"said Darius.
"At what not getting any,"relied Gabriel,"Hey why don't we just get Alex and Zhenzhen to sleep together."
"He doesn't even want to!"
"I wouldn't say I don't want to."
"They have a connection."
"We dooo."
"So don't be a cock Block."
"Fine okay. I won't block your cock. Be free!"
"Um thanks."
"What about Ivy?"Asked Gabriel slowly.
"What do you think dumbass! You and Ivy are like Romeo and Juliet. You just need to get together this might help speed things up a bit. You know?"answered Darius.

The boys slowly walked back into the room,with their pyjamas on. The girls had their back facing them and were already asleep.
Alex quietly and awkwardly got into the bed next to Zhenzhen.
"I'm going to go on the couch. There's no way I'm sleeping on the floor,"mumbled Darius walking out the room.

Gabriel slowly lay down on his back, in the bed next to Ivy and closed his eyes.
She turned to face him and smiled.
"You don't have to pretend to be asleep you know,"she whispered.
"I wasn't pretending."
"I'm glad it was you."
"What do you mean?"Asked Gabriel turning to his side to face her.
Their faces were really close and Ivy was sure she was blushing.
"I'm glad you decided to sleep with me and not Darius or Alex."
"Your cute,"she whispered simply.
She then rested her head on his shoulder.
And then thinking he wouldn't hear her she added,"and I also like you."
But he did hear her.And it made him grin and wrap his arms around her.

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