Jackie Lieber

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A/N: Spoiler... In this "Chapter" Wanda will go to school together with you (the reader) disguised as a student Called Jackie Lieber, (you'll have to read for finding out Why) And i choose that name.. because the 2 persons who created Scarlett Witch A.K.A Wanda Maximoff.. was Jack Kirby and Stan Lee.. (Stan Lee's was a stage name, his birth name was Stanley Lieber).


It have been a few weeks after you woke up, you had been hiding out from the avengers facility.. and you was eating breakfast with the team. You Had a playful argument about Which Song is the most romantic Song ever "The most romantic Song is definetly Just the way you are by Bruno Mars" Said Wanda and ate some of her Cereals. "How about Mine by Taylor Swift?" Said Natasha and Sam Scoffed "Well Clearly you've never heard about Lionel Riche" He said, eating his sandwhich. "What about Ed Sheeran?" You said  "Who?" Said Steve "He's released a whole new album.. thinking out loud is so romantic" You said. "I still vote for Just the way you are by Bruno Mars" Said Wanda, and put more cereals in her milk. "Yeah.. you've a point there" you said and your father arrived in the kitchen.. "y/n, If you want to, i could drive you to school.." said Steve "Oh on your motorcycle?" You asked, excited. "Yeah" said Steve "Yay" You said "Who's going back to school?" Said Tony and everyone glared at him.. "Well, there was only one person who went to school..." said Sam and everyone laughed "yes but y/n isn't getting back to school" Said Tony and you got so mad.. "WHY NOT?" "Uh I don't know.. maybe because you was brainwashed by Hydra in 4 months?? I'm not letting you go to school so Crossbone could find you so easy" Said Tony, you argued for a while.. until you decided to have a security guard with you. Your father suggested Happy, but.. you refused No offence to Uncle Happy.. but you weren't enjoying the Idea to have him around you 24/7.. you're still a teenager.. It would be embarrassing. Then Wanda suggested that she could guard you.. "I could go as a student" She said "But won't people recognize you?" Said Tony "Yeah.. they will. I have avengers fans in my school.." you said
"Hello.. there's something called makeup!" Said Wanda "there is people who could make people look completely different.." said Wanda and after arguing for a while, your father agreed..

Thanks to Your father, he called Martin Samuel.. who is a 3 time Oscar nominated makeup artist in the category of Best Makeup. He is most famous for doing the makeup on the first 3 Pirates of the Caribbean... and my father knows him because he met him at the premier for Pirates of the carribean 2. He made Wanda look completely Different.. you Barely recognized her.. and both of You and Wanda enjoyed this, you created a whole knew Character. She still is  the same Wanda, with the same personality but you decided that Jackie would be Punk rock, with Blue Hair and Hall.. "Why did you dye Wanda's hair Blue??" Asked Steve "and Why is she dressed like that?" "Because This way more Fun" said Wanda..

School Began and the teachers (all teachers knew that Wanda was a fake student) introduced Wanda to the class. "Hey, would you think it's Okay If the new girl could eat lunch with us??" You asked, your friends: Betty and Liz.. "Uh.. Sure" then you asked Fake Wanda to ate lunch with us.. "Hey guys.." said Sienna Walton "Oh are you Jack?" She asked "No, Jackie" said Wanda.. "Right..." "Hey do you Wanna eat lunch, Sienna?" Asked Liz... Why would she ask Sienna if she wanted to eat lunch.. was they friends or something?? Apparently they was.. while you was gone, Liz handled your prom and become friends With Sienna. Apparently, Liz prom won and Sienna had apologized.. but you still hated Sienna, Which was annoying.

When the school was ready.. you and The fake Wanda was on your way home. "y/n?" Asked Liam.. "Hey" you said and you hugged him.. "I've missed you.." he said, you would've said the same thing.. but, you were brainwashed "Do you want to take a cup of coffee?" "I would love to, but, my dad wants me home.." you said "y/n.. could i talk for you for a sec?" Said Wanda and you walked away from Liam so he couldn't hear.. "What are you doing?" She asked "My dad wants me straight home after school, Wa... Jackie" you said "But a cup of coffee wouldn't hurt! I could sit at the same coffee shop or something!" "Uh.. i don't know.." you said "y/n, i don't want to brag... but i can do a lot of things with my mind.. i could sit some feet behind you guys and even If i can't hear you talking.. i can still Hear your Minds" she whispered. "Yeah, i know, that's why we let you guard me" i whispered "so get a cup of coffee with Liam, I'll follow you.." "You can't go behind us, remember, Liam thinks you are the new kid" you Said "i have your phone in my gps, i can see Where you goes.." said Wanda and you said yes to Liam.

You went into Liam's car and Wanda was following you with her bike.. not to close, but not to far away.. you thought that Liam and you should get a cup of coffee in Starbucks or something.. but he took you to his house.. He lived in a small house outside Queens.. "you live here?" You asked and he nodded, you walked in the house.. It was small, it was only one bedroom, one small living room with an open kitchen, one Bath that was in the bedroom and one stair case that lead into the basement.. He gave you a cup of coffee.. you started a small talk and then Wanda called, "Don't answer that" said Liam, "It could be important.." you said but Liam took it, he was little aggressive.. You've never seen this side of him before... you did not like it. "Give me back my phone, Liam!" You said, trying to grab it.. but then he pulled out a gun.. He had a gun?!?!? Your phone rang again, you could see that it was your father.. "Please, let me answer" you said and he chuckled.. you froze at it, because it sounded evil.. "I'm not that stupid" he said and hit you hard in the head..


You woke up, feeling huzzy.. Just like the way you felt after you was attacked in L.A!!! You heard some mumbling, like someone was trying to talk.. you looked around, you were in a basement.. In an old bed that only had a mattress... and then you saw Brad Sawyer!! Sitting tied up in a chair! He was trying to talk to you! But he had Duct tape at his mouth.. you tried to walk towards him.. but You were handcuffed in your bed.

Brad Sawyer had Been missing ever since he had used your friend Betty for getting information about you.. You couldn't believe that he was in Liam's basement.. and so was you.. Liam arrived after a few minutes, he gave you a bottle of water "this is the only water you get for a while" you said and he walked over to Brad, he took away his Duct tape for giving him water and then he put the Duct tape back on.. "It was you.." you said, Liam ignored you. "you're the one who kidnapped me in L.A" "Oh, the smartest teenager alive finally figured it out" he said, clapping he said and then you got mad and throw the water bottle at him. "I TRUSTED YOU!!" You said "WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU??" You said, trying to get out of the bed, so you could hit him and kick his ass... but you failed. "It's more like what your mom did" "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT" you growled.. "Your mom made my Uncle take suicide.." he said, You stopped trying to break free and just looked at him..

"Who are you??" You asked "My name is not Liam Smith.. " he said My real name is Demir Stanley...".

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