New Beginning (Brickercup)

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This is part two of Brickercup ending

It has been a week since Buttercup made up her mind, a week of pure hell for Butch, a week of pure heaven for Brick. Buttercup didn't regret her decision, she was certain Brick was the one she loved, so why did she feel so crappy? Her last encounter with Butch had been a total disaster, not only had she hurt him emotionally but physically as well when she threw that punch at him. She now regretted ever punching him, she knew he was pissed and didn't know what he was saying.

He hadn't been a school the whole week, so there was no way for her to try and reason with him, not that he would want to talk to her or Brick. She sighed as she walked over to her bathroom "The damage has been done, there's no way around it" she mumbled. She would forever have to live it, so she needed to find a way to bury that somewhere. She quickly undressed and took a quick shower, today was Friday and she was meeting Brick at his place.

Butch quickly made his way up to his room, this was routine by now. He would avoid everyone, he did not need their pity. Before he could open the door to his room, a voice called to him, he turned and notice Brick right behind him. He scoffed "What do you want?"

Brick looked at his brother, he looked sleep deprived, "Butch, we gotta talk, you can't keep avoiding me, anyone for that matter"

"Watch me" he tried slamming his door only for Brick to stop him

"You're acting like a child Butch!"

"Brick move out of my fucking way" he tried pushing the door only for Brick to fully swing it wide open

"No Butch! I'm tired of your fucking attitude! You've been missing school, do you really want to be held back and not be able to graduate with us?"

Butch sighed, he was right, with school ending in less than a month, he needed to get it together, but could he? "Listen Brick, I don't need you to babysit me, and since when did you start caring?"

Brick frowned "I've always cared for you and Boomer, you are my brothers, and anything that affects you, affects me too"

Butch scoffed "Yeah right, you sure as hell don't act like it"

Brick looked at him sternly "Butch Jojo, there is not a day that has gone by that I don't kick myself in the ass for putting us through this." This was it, he was making progress, at least he's talking.

"Well she chose you so..." he stopped, trying to find the right words. He knows this situation is killing him as well, before all this they were inseparable, but he had Buttercup, surely she helped Brick feel less shitty, "you have her to help you cope with all this, who do I have Brick?"

"You have me, I'm your brother, you have Boomer" he told him "Hell, you even have Buttercup, she's your best friend"

Butch choked back his breath, Buttercup was his best friend, they used to tell each other everything, and last time he saw her, he riled her up to the point where she punched him "I don't think Buttercup would want to talk to me after what happened last time"

"Hey, I didn't think you'd want to talk to me, but here we are"

Butch looked at his brother and couldn't help but smirk, he missed him, he wanted things to go back to once they were, but they both knew that wasn't going to happen "Yeah, I have no idea, honestly I thought I'd hate you for the rest of my life, but unfortunately, you are my brother, and blood will always be thicker, huh?"

Brick was ecstatic, he couldn't believe he was making progress with him, the most stubborn of his brothers, he smirked back at him "I'm glad you think that way Butch, now I know things between us will never be the same, but, hopefully with time you'd forgive, because I know you, you won't forget"

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