Childbirth Simulator

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Joe's POV

It was Saturday the twenty-third, and I woke up quite late. Understandable, as I did have quite a late-night last night, dancing my breath out of my lungs. I looked at my phone and remembered Dianne will be coming around mine today to film a video for my main channel, ThatcherJoe. I was buzzing with anticipation. I couldn't wait to see her again!

I had texted her my flat number and floor number, so she didn't get lost. She probably already knew how to get to my flat considering she went to my party, but she was pretty drunk by the end, so it was debatable that she remembered. I decided it was better safe than sorry.

I got washed and dressed and had my breakfast, and I saw messages across my social media platforms congratulating me for last night. There were some memes and gifs made out of me on the show, and it really made me chuckle. It was nice to know my fans liked it, but it was all thanks to the miracle worker that was Dianne that I was able to even do this. I was so grateful to her.

I had to get ready for Dianne's arrival, and set up the video. I set up my tripod in my room and dug out my nurse uniform and hospital patient costumes from a box in my wardrobe. Byron was, as usual, asleep in his room, but he had told me that he put the question sheet on the kitchen counter last night, and it was so hard to resist my urge to take a peek. I was the one who had to be answering the questions on them after all. I had to wait to give them to Dianne.

The game in the video that we will be filming is called the Childbirth Simulator. It was a quiz, and Dianne had to stick electrodes onto my stomach and ask me some questions related to women, be it makeup related or period related, and if I get the answers wrong, she gets to shock me with a pain akin to childbirth. It was a bit of a weird video to honour the start of Strictly Come Dancing, I know, but my fans have been begging for another Childbirth Simulator video for a while now, and even more for me to be subjected to it. And I was going to allow Dianne to ask a dance related question at the end, so it's at least a little dance related. The Childbirth Simulator is medically only really supposed to be used on men, but I do want to try it out on Dianne jut a little bit, but on her arms so it doesn't damage her. I wouldn't want to sabotage the chance for Dianne to have a family in the future just for a crazy joke.

Now I just had to wait for Dianne to arrive. She had wanted to spend this morning planning the starting choreography for our next dance, and I was rather annoyed that she wouldn't tell me what it was until our rehearsal tomorrow, but I understood.

Soon, Dianne had messaged me, informing me that she had arrived at the building. That meant she'll be here soon! That also meant prank time! I scrambled to my front door and hid by the side, out of sight. Soon enough, I heard a knock. Had to be Dianne. "Come in," I shouted, so as to not give the prank away. She opened the door and walked in, not suspecting a thing. She turned around to close it, and I jumped out at her, causing her to stumble backwards, her face going a little pale. I wheezed with laughter.

"For God's... sake, Joe...!" she complained, holding her hand to her heart. But then she accepted my gesture into a big hug.

So glad you could make it, Di," I said as we walked into the hallway, "Here, put this on." And I handed her the nurse outfit.

"A nurse's uniform?" she questioned, "What do I need this for?"

"This game that we'll be playing is called the Childbirth Simulator, and I'm your patient." I told her, and I began to explain the game to her. She looked so excited.

"Here, Byron and his girlfriend printed out these questions for you last night," I handed the question sheets to her, "I hope they're difficult, or this baby isn't coming out!" we laughed.

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