Hello, my paint bucket was empty so when I got a new one I wanted to start over. The color wasn't the same anyway. I like Sapphire a lot more. Who's with me?
March 24, 2019
Well this was supposed to be something completely different but as I expected it didn't turn out the way I planned it to. It never does, that's what I love so much about creating graphics. I don't make a plan and strictly follow it, I have an idea and I keep deviating from it until it's something completely different. Anyone recognise this?
(And look at that, I finally succeeded in creating one version! Okay there was another one but this one was just better. And also, surprise, check the next chapter, I only half succeeded. But I'm getting there!)
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Yeah it's totally not 2 AM. It's 1:48 AM, I'm not that bad xD