Hello, my paint bucket was empty so when I got a new one I wanted to start over. The color wasn't the same anyway. I like Sapphire a lot more. Who's with me?
March 24, 2019
Konnichiwa! I know I've been offline for a pretty long time (November 10) but well the Coronavirus is here so I figured I'd use my extra time to do some creative stuff. It's a nice change, I've only been traveling (to uni that is), studying, sleeping and working for the past few months. Oh yeah and I started learning Japanese, gotta do something when you spend 5 hours in public transport every day :p
I've wanted to try some calligraphy graphics for a pretty long time so I figured I'd give it a go and I ended up with a lot of stuff that wasn't calligraphy but eventually I made this:
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