Act One

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(Opening shot:the exterior of the Ressha,zoom in slowly to Hiromu's room,looking something on his phone)

Hiromu:Its my destiny.There has to be a way to change it.I know there is.
(scrolls down his phone screen with his finger,he gasped,putting him out of view) No,this has to be wrong.

(A knock was on his door,he answered it,its Right)

Right:Uh...any luck finding the symbol?

Hiromu:No,its not on my phone.

(He puts his hand on his forehead,hiding the symbol on him)

Right:Are u ok,Hiromu? (He moves towards him) U look a little pale.

Hiromu:Its nothing,I didn't get any sleep last night.

Right:Look,I know Akumaro scared u but we'll find out why he's after u.

Hiromu:Akumaro doesn't concern me.

Mio:(over the intercom) Guys,come quick!

(Right runs quickly,Hiromu stands in the doorway,everyone was gathered to see the mark,the other two joined in very shortly)

Mio:Ryuuji was right.That symbol was not from earth and I have discovered something disturbing.

(Hiromu's eyes slightly popped in fear that his secret has been found out, shifts back to Mio pointing at Akumaro's mark)

Mio:This is a warning sign,turns out this means evil in our planet,whatever Akumaro's up to,its not good.

(A red siren goes on the Command Center,Akumaro was shown with a s mark on his forehead)


(Akumaro sets off explosions in the upper stories,he's having a bit of fun)

Akumaro:I do like my job.

(Then a blast was near him,he saw the Toqgers standing near him)

Right:Vandalism,I'd say u hit an all new low,Akumaro.

Akumaro:The Toqgers,nice of u to drop by but as u can see,I'm in the middle of something,I'll deal with you guys in 5 minutes.

Right:We'll deal with u now,let's go!

(Now Transforming)

Toqgers:Toq Change! Ha!

(They transforms into Toqgers,then ready to fight Akumaro)

Akumaro:U can't have what u want,Toq 1 gou.

(He bangs his fists together that send the Toqgers to dive to cover)

Toq 1gou:Guys,split up and take him down.

(Akumaro leaps from one building,Blue Buster brought up short in his path)

Blue Buster:Doesn't Akumaro know this whole block is already slated for demolition.(Toq 3gou joins in)

Toq 3gou:Since when did Akumaro make an excuse to wreak stuff?

(Shoots of fire was from Akumaro's hands,Toq 1gou jumps in to take him down,he jumps in for another go)

Toq 1gou:Why did u come back,where did u get these powers?

Akumaro:U want to know about this,don't u? How many sleepless nights did I have,trying to uncover the secret? Well,let me put your mind in ease,its called the Mark of Skath,and it's about to get even popular.

Toq 1gou:What are u planning?

Akumaro:I'm not planning anything.(draws a mark in the air,Within a fireball) I'm simply providing a valuable public service.Illumination.

(The ball hurls Toq 1gou away from approaching in time,Toq 5gou comes in and blasts Akumaro with her Toq Blaster,but he missed,he bounds away leaving a wreaking ball that hit Toq 5gou badly)

(Akumaro is on the move but Toq 3gou stopped him with her Signal Hammer,trying to bash him away,then Blue Buster use his strength to drop him to concrete,then he swoops out)

Toq 3gou:Yeah,you better run.

(Akumaro touches down to escape when he was stopped by Red Buster)

Red Buster:What do u want?

Akumaro:Only what any messenger wants,Red Buster.For their message to be heard,its time that your friends know the truth,if u don't tell them this,I will.

Red Buster:Leave them out of this.

Akumaro:Hmph.I didn't bring them into this,u did,and the day u came out of their lifes.Tick tock,Red Buster,time is running out.

(He is swallowed up in a tornado from the street,it slices towards Red Buster,leaving him in disbelief,Cut to Toq 1gou with his Toq phone on his hand)

Toq 1gou:Guys,do u read me? (Blue Buster addresses him with his Morphin Brace)

Blue Buster:I read u,but I don't see u.
(Toq 5gou has her Toq phone out)

Toq 5gou:I see u all and I found something else,and its scary.

(Below her is the Mark of Skath on a terrible scale)

End of Act One

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