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Hello everyone I haven't posted a chapter in a really long time I'm sorry! I can't say how recent I'll be posting from now will be but I'll try my best! The comments that you guys left have really motivated me to keep this story on! Well I hope you enjoy.

Todoroki could only hold his stomach as the pain increased. He was starving. He was sure he hadn't eaten anything in the last 24 hours at least. But what happened in the kitchen was the sign that he needed to know that he truly didn't deserve anything.
Yet again his stomach painfully growled. Todoroki bared his teeth and his faced crunched up.
He was laying on his bed again. Though he cruelly
Found himself not tired it seemed like the world didn't want to grant him the escape from his pain which would be blissful sleep. Sleep was what He craved at the moment. He wanted to go to dream land and dream about faceless people and the sea. The only thing he felt was hunger, nothing else.

Knock knock, Todoroki flinched im shock, who would knock on his door at this time at Night. He debated whether or not if he should answer the door or pretend to be asleep. Maybe it was Midoriya, Todoroki thought , Midoriya would be the only nice enough person to care about him he sadly realized. He gave out a sigh he finally came to the conclusion that He should answer the door. After all he shouldn't be rude to the one person who he cares about.

Todoroki picks his head up from his white pillow and looks at his door. He could see the shadow of feet from the bottom. He wondered what if it wasn't Midoriya? He shook his head getting rid of the thought, No it had to be.

Todoroki lifted the rest of his body up, his legs felt heavy and numb. Yet soon after he got on his feet. He felt nauseous, the moment he had gotten up his empty stomach was hit with a wave of pain and sickness. He considered right then and there to just lay back down a pretend like he never heard someone knocking.
But he also got rid of that idea as soon as it came. He walked slowly to the door. As he walked it felt like it was ages away whilst it was only a couple feet away from his bed.
Then he was in front of the door reaching for the door knob. He found himself starting to get anxious, what did Midoriya want to speak to him about? And what would he say back.
The door knob was cold to the touch. But he really didn't think much on it. He really wanted to get this over with at this point the sooner he could go back to laying down where the pain was less.

He unlocked the door with a click. And then he turned the door knob and opened the door.

" Hey! What took you so long I've been waiting here for 5 minutes you idiot I never pegged you for a heavy sleeper."

Todoroki couldn't believe his eyes, or ears. The last person he expected to be standing there was none other than his explosive classmate Bakugo. He was wearing grey joggers and a black hoodie with a skull. His hair looked as usual, messy. And he had his signature irritated look on his face. But what he found the most interesting was the plastic container he was holding with both his hands.

" it'll last longer if you take picture." Bakugo barked after a few second of silence.
" ah.. I'm sorry." Todoroki didn't realize that he was staring at him. These days he was really unfocused.
" Is there anything I could help you with?" Todoroki said.
Bakugo looked nervous for a quick second, Todoroki caught it though it was very unusual. Bakugo never showed any other emotions other than anger or cockiness. " look stupid half n' half. While I was taking out my shit out from the fridge I accidentally spilled your gross soba. And I know you love the stuff, and I didn't want to look like a complete asshole so I got you soba. It's not from the best restaurant but I don't care! You better fucking appreciate it."

Todoroki was shocked. He never believed that Bakugo was capable of actions like that. He would think that if Bakugo had spilled something of someone's he would simply brush it off and get on with his day. " Are you gonna take it or not?" Bakugo told Todoroki he clearly was getting more annoyed the more time Todoroki just stood there.

Todoroki quietly took the container from his hand. Todoroki decided that he would take a slight peek inside the container . His mouth started to water at the sight of his favorite food, Soba.
He didn't care about the taste of the soba , he was truly touched by this act of kindness. Even though it from someone that most days he couldn't stand. He felt like tearing up. But he would ridiculous in front of His classmate if he started crying over soba. He would never be able to get over it. He could never show anyone how truly weak and pathetic he was.

" Thank you.... Very much."
Bakugo snorted " whatever, it's not like I like you now or anything." There he is, good old Bakugo.
Todoroki could only keep his eyes on the container. He still couldn't believe this had happened.
He only realized that his hands where shaking when Bakugo said " hey candy cain! Whats wrong with you?"

Todoroki's hands were shaking like a leaf as he griped the soba. This had dragged out it enough it was time for him to go back to his room.
" Do Not worry about me, Bakugo. Thank you again for this gesture. Have a goodnight." And before Bakugo could do anything Todorki had gone back in his room.

Once he was inside his room he couldn't hold in his emotions anymore. He slid against the door still holding the food. His whole body was shaking now. 'How could someone be so kind to him? Did he deserve it?' Where the questions running through Todoroki's crumbling brain. Not soon after the tears started falling.

' what was up with him' Bakugo pondered with his hands in his pockets as he walked to his room. He had never seen him act like that before. I guess people like him still have bad days. Bakugo shook his head in annoyance. Now he would not be able to stop thinking about it, he should have given him jack shit. It couldn't be anything big anyways. ' After all what would a rich stick up kid like him have to worry about anyways' Bakugo thought as he went into his room.

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