The Concert

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Chapter one

Hello, time for and introduction. Waddup I'm Kira, I'm nineteen and I never learned how to read. Jk. My name is Kira though, and I'm nineteen. I love music and play in a one man band. I mostly cover five seconds of summer songs because they are bomb af. I absolutely love them and their all so beautiful.

Now this is where I describe what I look like. I'm 5'3" and am more on the chubby side. I also have short, blue hair and blue eyes.

I tend to like the homeless look at home, but when I go out if is full glam. I look like a different person lmao. Well tonight I have a gig at the Slotchkeys Bar and am hopefully going to kill it. Did I mention that the 5SOS concert was yesterday and is was absolutely amazing. I start to get ready and fix my hair an makeup. Damn I look good. Hopefully I can meet a guy tonight, that would also be great.


There goes my phone, I wonder who it is, probably my mom trying to tell me to stay safe. As I do live in Portland, Oregon. I look at the phone and it's from my friend Keygan. She's the best.

Me: Hey, what's up?

Keygan: Nothing much, just wondering what time the concert is so I can show up and support you. Dinah is going to come with.

Dinah is Keygan's girlfriend, they've been dating for like three years. Which I'm jealous because I haven't had a boyfriend ever. Apparently I'm not pretty enough. Even though Keygan says I'm beautiful all the time, how can I believe it if there's no proof of a guy chasing after me.

Me: I'm heading out now, it starts at six. See you there B.

Keygan: See you there.


Two hours later

"And I know now, that I'm so down" I finish playing my last song and there was a round of applause from the crowd. I can't believe I'm have so much support and am following my dreams. I start packing up my instruments and a guy in a hoodie, hat, and sunglasses comes up to me and starts complimenting me.

Stranger: I really liked the music you played, specifically your originals. They were so deep and had so much emotion behind them. How could someone so beautiful have so much tragedy in their life?

Me: Well it's usually the pretty ones stuck with the terrible life. I'm trying to get out of it, hence performing. I want to tour and be someone who makes money off their pain than having wallow in it, you know?

Stranger: I completely understand. You should come with me, I know a person with a studio that would love to help. I sent a video of your performance.

Me: That's kinda creepy considering I don't know who you are

Stranger: Fine then, meet me at Danger Studios a few blocks away.

Me: Fine I'll see you in thirty minutes.

Stranger: See you then

He smiled and walked away. He was pretty charming but gave off a creep vibe. I don't know if I should trust him. Maybe I'll walk with Keygan and DInah.

Keygan: BOO!

Me: Oh my god you scared the bajeesus outta me.

Keygan: Who was that guy

She said it in a teasing voice.

Me: Just a guy that says he wants to help me produce my music. Will you walk me to the studio so I'm Safe and don't have to walk alone?

Keygan: Of course B. I would never let you walk alone.

We walked three block and there it was. Danger Studios. This was my time to shine.

Me: Bye Keygan, see you at home tonight.'

Keygan: See you then

I walk in and I hear singing. The most beautiful voices I ever hear, oddly familiar. I turn a corner and see four men in the boo......... 

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