chapter 1

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Currently Zim was down in his lab making some tweaks to his newest creation that he was planning to use to take over the Earth. He had been wanting to launch this plan a week ago-much to his disliking-but he refused to be humiliated by that big-headed Dib once again just because he was impatient.

He was just about to make the final adjustment when-

"Incoming transmition."

-his hand slipped.

Growling loudly, Zim glared up at his computer. "I'm busy! Can't it wait!?" He was so frustrated. Too much to care about if it was the Tallest.

But, as it would seem, the computer cared little for Zim's comfort and patched the communication through anyway.

"Heya, Zim!"

Hearing the voice, Zim's anger shot up another twenty degrees. (Yes, degrees.) "What, Skooge?! Can't you see I'm busy!"

"Yeah, I know you are," Skooge replied, that smile still on his face and irritating Zim further. "So, listen, I have a lot of free time on my hands since conquering Blorch-"


"-and so I figured I would come and help you out with Earth. You know, two heads are better than one and all,"

"I don't need your help, you miserable smeet!"

"Oh it's no trouble," Skooge waved off. "I'll be there in a moment or so. See you then!"

The transmition cut before Skooge caught Zim's learned Earth profanity. "DAMNITT!"


Little did Zim know, he wasn't the only one that got Skooge's message. Outside his home (well, across the street (culvasac?) from his home), Dib was hidden in the bushes with his laptop, listening intently into his earpiece to be sure he wasn't missing anything else important. Quickly typing up his notes, Dib tried to think up if he should invade the home or not. One Irken was enough trouble, but two...

After a moment, Dib rolled his eyes and dismissed the thought. The other Irken may not be insane like Zim, but it seemed that Zim was so stubborn he was willing to fight with the other rather than see the advantages of teaming up. It was times like this Dib was greatful the little alien was so damn set in his ways.

Still, this was a perfect oppritunity to study and Irken other than Zim.


"Where are you going?"

"Just to check on something," Red replied, fighting the urge to snap at this partner.

Purple frowned at the other. "You've been going off on your own an awful lot lately...Just what exactly are you checking up on?"

Without missing a beat, Red looked over to the other with his trained cool-and-composed look, his hands hooked behind him and replied smoothly: "Just to sneak at Narr's progress. If we call him like we do our Invaders, he'll get panicked and we won't get any information out of him. It's just easier this way,"

"Can I watch?"

"Afraid the screen I have set up is too small," Red returned, forcing a smile on his face as if to tease the other. Purple hated the smaller screens because it forced him to sit still and pay closer attention.

Sure enough, the violet-eyed Irken rolled his eyes and went back to looking over the Shorters while eating his snacks.

Taking this as a 'nevermind then', Red casually slipped out from the Pilot Room and made his way to his personal chambers. The only place on the Massive that Purple couldn't tread without his permission and therefore garunteeing the safety of his secret.

As he booted up the system, Red stretched, trying to relax. It had been quite some time since Zim had taken the time to give a report into them. Purple had been celebrating the fact, hoping the other had perished. Red put on a mask of relief to hold off suspicion, knowing full well what was really the case: Zim had been working on his newest plan for taking over his planet.

It made Red feel conflicted about giving Zim the fake assignment. On the one hand, Zim was safe from being a target for abuse on Irk and was less likely to be deactivated due to his defective behavior. On the other hand...

Well on the other hand, Red missed the little pest.

As he seated himself in front of the screen and began typing in the needed codes, Red let his mind swim back to when he and Zim were in Elite training together. He was always so detructive, always trying to prove he was the best. It did used to get on Red's nerves but at the same time, he admired the other. The more he observed Zim the more he found himself thinking that Zim wasn't defective. In fact he embodied everything Irkens should be: blood-thirsty, driven by the heat of battle rather than being forced to sign treaties and 'make peace'. There were many times that Red fantasized what it would be like if Zim was at his side rather than Purple. No doubt the other races would be much more afraid if someone like Zim was in charge. It also helped that Red was...a bit attracted to the other...

...Alright, maybe very attracted.

There was just something about how those magenta eyes lit up at the sight of fire, the way that light voice turned dark with deranged laughter, the way Zim never gave up even after humiliating defeat...

Purple was so tame it was boring. Sure, he and Pur could joke about things, but Red had a craving for destruction that throwing Irkens out of the airlock couldn't satisfy. He never even bothered pursuing a physical relationship with the other Tallest because he was sure the other was too timid.

Zim on the other hand...Red groaned. Zim would sure to be full of excitement and tricks...

His thoughts were interupted by the screen coming to life with the image of Zim working on his newest device, just as Red knew he would. From the angle of the camera, Red could only see Zim from behind, but it would suffice. So long as Red knew the other was safe...

So when the computer came to life, with Skooge popping up on the screen, Red nearly fell back out of his chair. He thought he couldn't be shocked further until Skooge announced he'd be there in moments.

Zim seemed just as furious as Red and a small part of him was relieved, but still it didn't ease his nerves any. What reason could Skooge have to go and see Zim? Immediately Red's thoughts turned to dark intentions. Skooge must be going to confess his affections to Zim! Red's eyes were wide and he shook his head in denial. No, he couldn't let that happen!

He had to stop it!


okay so short.

was gunna make it a one-shot but i decided to be evil instead

already got it all sorted out and planned so don't fret

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