chapter 2

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as promised, here is the continuation



If that little unwashed, short, ungly, fat, little...short...SHORT PILE OF FILTH thinks he's taking what's MINE he's got another thing coming!

Suffice it to say, Red wasn't thinking as clearly as he normally did. He tended to get that way when things involved Zim. So it was understandable, really, that without so much as a hesitation, Red stepped into his teleporter without so much as a heads up to anyone.

It would also explain why he accidently left the monotor to Zim's lab on...


While Irken technology was advanced, the distance made the transition from the Massive to Zim's base go on a few moments longer than expected and Red was left in a sort of rift, still fuming over the reason he was stuck there in the first place.

When he finally was in the underground base of his secet obsession, Red's lekku perked at the sound of voices. One he immediately recongnized was Zim's and the other...

Wait, that wasn't Skooge...

Curious, Red floated where he wouldn't be spotted, trying to hear the conversation better. Eventually he found himself just outside the main part of the lab.

"Just tell me what you're up to so I can put a stop to it and leave!"

It was some male voice that Red couldn't place. The scratchy tone...It definately wasn't Irken...

"I'm not up to anything," Zim huffed. It was a lie, but Zim seemed to have been so irritated he forgot about his plan, because he sounded downright insulted. "Now for the last time, get out! Before I vaporize you!"

"You think I'm stupid, Zim? I know you were contacted by another Irken just now and they're coming here to help you with your plans!"

Zim scoffed. "As if I need that filth's help,"

"So you admit someone called?" The tone sounded smug now. Red had to hand it to the other: he knew how to get under Zim's skin.

It was quiet for a moment, probably due to some stare off before Zim spoke. "I was contacted, yes, but for your information, Dib-worm, I wasn't planning on accepting his help,"

Dib-worm...? Oh! The Dib that was always ruining Zim's plans...How long had he been doing that? How long ago was Zim given this fake assignment...? A few years...The human had to know by now Zim was unable to accomplish anything...

Course, Skooge did conquer Bloorch so maybe that was why the human was so insistant...

"Oh? Why wouldn't you?" It was obvious the human didn't believe him.

"Because I don't need anyone's help!" Zim insisted. "I was given this assignment by the Tallest! If I can't do it on my own, I'll be the laughing stock of the entire Empire!"

Red felt his insides twist in guilt at that. Zim was already mocked by the entire Irken race. Hell, by nearly everyone he came into contact with! And now he was deluded because of Red...

He felt horrible.

The human sighed. "Zim, I hate to break it to you, but you've been here so long you probably already are,"

As much as Red wanted to snap and go to defend Zim, he found himself slightly agreeing with the human. Even if the assignment wasn't a sham, it was still embarrassing.

"Enough! Get out!"


Red actually flinched a bit when he heard the human's voice raise.

"No! I don't need to listen to whatever you have to say! I need to be ready to get that idiot to leave and you're interferring is-"

"DAMNITT ZIM! Why are you so thick headed!? Don't you get it?! You can't accept his help because there is no mission!"

Red's eyes widened.

Oh dear Irk...

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