chapter 3

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It was tense for what seemed like ages. Red actually held his breathe, feeling increasingly nervous that Zim had yet to respond.

Finally unable to take it anymore, he pulled a small mirror from his storage compartment (a small trick he learned in Elite training) and held it so he could see into the room with less risk of being spotted. There, in the mirror, was Zim's wrist being held in place by a tall human- this Dib- both of them having this stare off.

Zim looked hurt, conflicted...all the things that Red knew would be etched on those normally hardened features when Zim eventually found out about his mission.

What really confused the Taller, though, was the expression on the human's face. Hell, just the human all together was weird. Dark fur all over his head...even coming out his chin! What an odd race...DId they all look like that? All dressed dark...It conflicted so much with the Invader uniform Zim was wearing. And he was taller...How could an inferior race be so much taller!?

Actually...Zim was taller than he used to be too...Now Red bet that the former 'shortest Irken in history' could now reach his chest easily. As if the shorter wasn't facinating enough...

But Red was still drawn to those eyes the human had. Why did he look so...upset and conflicted? Like he didn't want to say what he said?

Before he could think over it anymore, Zim growled, barring his sharp teeth and ripping his arm away, the human simply letting go and watching what Zim would do. Was this human nuts?! Did he not realize how dangerous Zim was?! How on Irk could he stay so calm?! It was infuriating!

"You're a liar!" Zim hissed darkly, causing shivers to run up and down Red's spine both from fear and excitement. Zim's lekku were forward, an obvious display of agression and anger.

But still, the human remained as calm as possible. "Zim, I know you don't want to hear it, but it's true. Just think about it-"

"No! I refuse to believe anything you have to say!"

"Zim, you're supposed leaders left you here hoping you'd die!" Dib shouted. "You can't handle this envoirnment! You get burned by the RAIN for fuck's sake! And they're always snickering and laughing at you when you call them! They don't care!"

How did this human know so much?

"In case you haven't noticed, Dib-worm, I have survived everything this disgusting planet has! And why not? I'm an Invader! And a damn good one!" Zim took a deep breath, visibly composing himself, his lekku relaxing back. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have another little pest to deal with. I expect you to leave," His tone dropped, dangerously low. A tone that Zim had never personally heard Zim speak in before.

Red caught the sound of a door opening and the sound of Zim walking off, his image now gone from Red's mirror.

Frowning to himself, the taller tucked the small mirror back away, his thoughts muddled. He had come here to keep Skooge from admitting something to Zim and now it seemed that him being spotted wouldn't be the best thing. Even if Zim was still set on believing he had a mission, his tone and behavior suggested and the smaller was a force to be reckoned with, especially now when he seemed to be under a lot of stress.

He was just going to leave when a voice spoke up.

"Evesdrop much?"

Red's eyes narrowed slightly as he turned, seeing in the doorway the human, openly glaring, his arms crossed over his chest.

Red stood tall, composed. "Just checking in on our Invader," he stated simply, refusing to be intimidated.

"Bullshit," Dib snapped back. He stepped closer to Red, letting his arms drop. Red noted how the dark colors did seem to suit this human, the attire he wore billowing in an oddly intimidating fashion. He was even more surprised when the human easily looked him in the eye, being no less than a few marks shorter than Red.

...That was unsettling.

Red glared back. "What was that, human?"

"Don't think I don't know what you're up to," Dib warned. "I know you just want to keep Zim under your thumb. He's already nearly destroyed your entire race once..." The human smirked then. "And that was unprovoked. Imagine the damage he'd cause if he actually had a reason to want you all dead,"

Red had to keep from his eyes widening.

He hadn't thought of that...

Still, he cooly replied. "Zim would never do anything against the Empire. He lives to serve it, as every Irken does. Now, if you don't mind, I have an Irken I came here to get back on assignment. Seems he abandoned his mission and came here to pester a fellow Invader," He turned to find Zim again, mentally cursing himself. Why didn't he think this through?!

He vaugely caught the sound of the human following him, no doubt not believing him and wanting to be there to intervene if necessary.

How irritating...

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