Chapter 5

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Kongpop's POV
(Inside kongpop's office )

"P knot... What will I do... Arthit... Ring... Aaargh."

"Please calm down my prince ."

"Oh god ... Am doomed right... "

"Unfortunately you are right my prince"

"Arthit... We have to find him . Get his details p knot."

"Its been nearly 20 years my prince . it will be quite difficult to get the details ."

"Its an order. I want every details within one week "

"Yes my prince ."

"Good... P knot... Do you think Ai oon will come back to the palace if we call him..."

"I doubt it my prince . especially when oon hates us.."

"Its not us p... Its just me.. It is only me who he hates.. You are always his favorite P.."

Sighing I closed my eyes... The last time I saw Arthit was when he and his father visited the palace after his grandpapa's death . his eyes showed pure hate and anger when he looked at me for the last time . I know I deserved it. Especially when I was the one who falsely accused him.

(20 years back - after the fake wedding)

Little Arthit pocketed the big ring he received . He started chasing Kong and knot with the wooden sword. Kong and knot ran quickly inside the palace hiding in one room after the other. When Kong and knot reached the great kings office , they were caught by Arthit. While running inside the room , they accidentally pushed a flower vase. It was the great kings favourite vase which was gifted by his wife on their first wedding anniversary. In fear and guiltiness , the 3 little children decided to hide the broken vase . later when the truth was found , in the fear of disappointing his grandpapa , Kong accused Arthit for breaking and hiding the vase . the king and queen who knew the real truth asked Arthit to admit it so that his grandpapa can still continue to be the head of minster's. Knot has no option other than to accuse Arthit. Later Arthit admitted that it was he who broke and hid the vase ...but still his grandpapa chose to leave his job. They both left the palace that day .

4 months later Arthit's grandfather passed away. When Arthit and his father visited the palace to receive the condolences. Arthit didn't spare a glance to anyone especially kongpop. That was the last time anyone saw or heard of Arthit .

Flashback ends.

If I regret something in my life .. It would always be that false accusation I made against Arthit . due to over guiltiness I told the truth to my grandpapa. The disappointment i saw on those face was enough to know , I lost my grandpapa's trust.

"Will Arthit still be the same p knot"

"If he is still crazy and wild like before... I doubt you will survive..."

"Ha-ha.... You are right p ... His tempers are legendary like my may ... Hope he doesn't kill me "

We both shared a smile thinking about Arthit .

This is what was lost in us when he left. Our true smile


It seems our oon hates simba...

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