Chapter 22

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Kongpop POV
(mobile shop)

Arthit - do you have couple phones

Salesgirl - no sir... But we have many latest advanced level phones.

Have you seen the looks of a five year old when their favorite toy is broken. Arthit has a similar look now. He looked so cute like this. I would have loved to take a pic of him but , I don't wish to pick my phone from the dustbin.

Kongpop - show us your latest phones then .

Arthit - but I want us to get couple phones

This type of pouting should be made illegal.

Kongpop - since i don't want to break up with my new phone of 2 months , only you are getting a phone. And that's final my dear consent.

He just nodded his head and kept facing the electronic devices

Arthit - couple phones would have looked cute y- ..HEY show me that phone miss... It looks quite attractive... I think I found the phone of my dreams.

Like a kid who got his first Christmas present , Arthit was excitingly examining the phone of his choice.

Oh god.. Please tell me I am not dealing with someone who has bipolar disorder.
I turned to the only person who can understand my situation and give me the right answer.

As expected , p knot was aware what I was about to ask him .

Knot - its not what you think my prince , the consent in waiting is a mature man indeed but he has a child's heart . Just let him enjoy his break from studies na my prince .

Ya p knot is right . let Arthit enjoy his break .
When I asked the queen for a half day permission to take him out for shopping , she agreed without second thought. She said it's good to have some public appearance together.

Arthit- hey prince. I have decided.. I will get this phone. This phone will surely give me my badass look. What say.

Kongpop - I think that white phone will surely give out a badass vibe . why don't you get a phone cover with bunny ears .that will surely give more badass look

okay... That was a wrong thing to tell.
He gave me a "can I break your nose " look.

P knot recognized the situation and whispered something to me

Knot - its Arthit we are talking about. Don't forget his stubbornness and anger. So please don't make a scene . just buy him that phone without any more comments. I would very much like to take my prince back in one piece

Didn't I tell you p knot have an solution for all my questions.

Kongpop - I was just kidding na my consent . I will get you this phone itself.

He gave me a dimpled smile...

OK.... Confirmed... Bipolar disorder.

I don't know whether Arthit noticed or not , he bought a similar phone like mine in different colour. His couple phone dream has come true.

After our shopping , we made our way out from the mall. From the time we arrived , we were the prey for many mobile cameras which still is targeted to us . in fact I saw few girls sequelling when Arthit was searching for couple phones.. Life has turned more interesting indeed .

Sipping on his pinkmilk .
wait..Did you guys really expect Arthit would walk around barehanded without his pink milk . you are wrong my friends . in fact , during our night drive when I asked him to come for shopping the next day , he confessed his undying love for pink milk which he has parted with since his arrival in palace. He asked no ordered me to buy at least 3 bottles of pinkmilk. Which now ends up here , him happily swinging his hands and sipping his pinky milk.

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