Crying in the Infirmary

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Campers carried the three demi-gods towards the infirmary.

Chiron ended up carrying Nico as the other Demi-gods are very uncomfortable around the Son of Hades.

Jason was being pulled between Piper and Leo.

Alex was being carried in bridal style by Will.

Jason and Nico had peaceful yet worried looks on their faces while Alex looked like she was in pain and it seemed that she would be the first one to wake up. Again.

------------------------------------------30 minutes later-------------------------------------------

Alex began to stir while Jason and Nico where still out for the count.

Opening her eyes slowly she saw that she was inside camp.

Finally Alex thought it took long enough.

She sat up slowly to see Nico to her left and Jason to her right.

There wasn't anyone sitting by Nico's cot but there were two people sitting beside Jason.

As she started to get up to walk over to Nico the girl who was sitting beside Jason looked up.

'What are you doing?' She asked in a motherly tone.

'Um...I was going to go and sit by Nico. Is that okay?' Alex asked back.

'Yeah I guess just be careful, the campers here don't think he'll what anyone sitting near him when he wakes up.' She replied softly.

'Nico's....he's had a tough time so....well we all have, but he'll want me there.' Alex replied quietly.

'Okay, just don't be shocked if he hits you or something.' the other girl said with a smile.

'Nico? Hit me? He wouldn't dare!' Alex stated laughing. 'How's Jason doing?' Suddenly growing serious and slightly grim.

'How d'you know Jason? He'll be fine. Just hit his head, he was the first of you to fall, then you and as you were going to Nico tried to catch you....well he did catch you but then he fell to.' She replied, grinning towards the end.

'Does Nico like you?'

'Well, I've known Jason since we were little, we were best friends growing up. And Nico can be like that a lot with me even though I don't want him too. He's just so overprotective; he doesn't want to lose me again.' Alex looked up and the girl with tears in her eyes.

The girl did the unexpected she got up from her place next to Jason and slowly walked over to Alex.

'And I don't want to lose him either.' Alex's voice was barely above a whisper, but because of how the girl had gotten she could hear.

She wrapped he arms around Alex and pulled her into a hug as the tears started to fall.

'Shhhhh, he'll be fine they'll both be fine.' The girl said while rubbing circles on Alex's back trying to calm her down.

'Thank you!' Alex mumbled into the girl's shoulder. 'Thank you so much! I just found a funny part to this!' Alex said pulling out of the hug and holding the other girl at arm's length. 'I don't even know your name!'

'OH MY GODS!' the girl whisper yelled, 'Your right! I'm Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite!' She exclaimed with a smile.

'Hey Piper! You don't know my name do you?' Alex said looking into the girls eyes, smirking.

Piper shook her head, smiling slightly. 'Well Beauty Queen, I'm Alexandra Jackson, Daughter of Neptune! Please call me Alex!'

Piper looked shocked.

'D-did you just say J-Jackson? And N-Neptune?'

'Yeah why?'

'Jason's mentioned you. And Never mind! I'll tell you later! Now hide!'

'LEO!!! WAKE UP!' Piper yelled to the boy who was sleeping next to Jason.

Leo fell off his chair by the bed and landed on the floor with a bang.

He was covered in soot and grease, from working on something.

'What!? Is something attacking camp?' Leo yelled. Looking scared and his hair was starting to smoke slightly.

'Leo calm down before you spontaneously combust. Again!' Piper said laughing, glancing over at Alex who was lying on the floor laughing uncontrollably.

'Geez, Pipes you can't do that to anyone and especially not me! I could have set this whole place alight!' Leo groaned 'I don't want to have to fix this place or any of the cabins again, because of you scaring me and me accidentally setting it alight!'

'Sorry Leo' Piper chimed like a school girl, which made Alex laugh again.

'Pipes who's laughing?' Leo asked getting up and walking to where Alex and Piper where.

'Well who d'you think it is Leo? Look around what or who is missing?'

'Um....Oh that cute girl from earlier that came in with Jason and Death Breath!'

'Well done Leo! Have a gold star!' Piper praised sarcastically.

Leo did NOT look impressed.

'Shhhhh. Alex, Jason you're being too loud. I'm trying to sleep.' Nico murmured opening his eyes slightly.

'Sorry Nico, Jason's still out. D'you want me to come over there?' Alex said quietly.

Nico nodded shutting his eyes again.

'Sorry guys!' Alex said walking over to Nico.

'It's fine. We'll wake you too up when Jason comes back round.' Piper said grinning madly.

'Piper! Honestly! He's my boyfriend! Oh and make sure that Jason wakes us up or we might accidentally hurt you! Thanks!' Alex said while walking over to Nico's cot.

'Sh-she's going out with him! Damn it!' Leo yelled.

'Shut up Leo. It's so cute!' Piper squealed while jumping up and down.

'Guys what did I just say about being quiet so we could sleep?' Alex murmured from her place in Nico's cot, his arms found their way around her waist as they both drifted off.

'Sorry Alex.' was the last thing she heard from Leo and Piper.

Smiling she drifted off into a dreamless sleep for once.

~Disclaimer. I don't own any of the characters in this book. I only own Alex.

As far as I can tell, I am not Rick Riordan so I don't think I can own them!

Please comment, rate and follow me.

Thanks, Ilanna.~

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