A Trace of Movement

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"Everyone, we are taking a test today," Professor Kukui said. "Ash, wake up."

"Uh oh," Kiawe said. "Someone's going to flunk."

Ash Ketchum was sleeping on his desk with Pikachu. The rest of the class was learning a unit of extra evolutions.

"Now," Kukui continued. "We are going to take a test about our unit of extra evolutions. This will be your final grade, so if you were sleeping, you will learn something."

Professor Kukui handed out the tests, and the class did them. After the class was done, they could have freetime outside.

"Everyone, come inside," Professor Kukui said. "I have graded your test."

As the class was getting seated, Professor Kukui handed out the graded tests.

"Who got first place?" Mallow asks.

"I am very surprised by the results. All of you got a 90% on the test, except for Ash," the Professor said.

"He must have flunked," Kiawe said under his breath.

"Actually, Kiawe, no," Kukui said. "He actually got 100%. Ash, would you care to explain how you did so good?"

Ash shrugged and didn't say a word.

When school was out, Ash headed back to Kukui's house. After a very tasty dinner, Ash headed to bed.

In the middle of the night, Ash woke up to hear some movement. There was something crawling on his house.

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