Team Rocket

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"All right, who stole these pokémon," Ash said.

A familiar voice laughed.

"Prepare for trouble, you should've known," Jessie said.

"Make it double, we'll just go home," James said.

"To get pokémon to use as tools."

"To make some money, money rules."

"To get them in a fancy style."

"To get better, all the while."



"Team Rocket really likes our old motto."

"Surrender now or we'll use our claw-toe."

"Meowth, That's Right!" Meowth said.

"Wobbuffet," Wobboffet said.

"You again," Ash said.

"Yes, you twerp," Meowth said. "Us."

"Fine, I guess we're going old-school. You use your old motto, and we'll meet an old friend."

"Naming?" Jessie smirked.

"Come on out!" Ash said.

Greninja came out of his pokéball.

"Uh oh," James said. "It's the twerp's Greninja."

"Now," Ash said. "Let's get stronger together!"

The Bond Phenomenon occurred once again, and Ash was shocked it worked even after three years.

NOTE: The claw-toe I speak of is basically the thing that always snatches up Ash's Pikachu. In order to rhyme, I had to make it a little more confusing, sorry.

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