A Trace of Movement again

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"Greninja, use Water Shuriken," Ash said. "Aim for the balloon."

"Ninja," Greninja said.

"Now, use full power Water Shuriken at Team Rocket."

The Shruiken hit at a full blast and sent Team Rocket flying again.

"Looks like we're blasting off again," Team Rocket screamed.

"Wobbuffet," Wobbuffet screamed.

"Huh, I like old school," James said.

"Wow, Ash!" Mallow exclaimed. "What was that."

Ash shrugged. "The Bond Phenomenon."

Stunned silence. Greninja caught a hint of movement. Ash noticed it too, and looked in that direction.

A familiar girl was running towards him. Another one was holding Squishy. And a boy panting and calling to wait up.

"Ash!" Serena exclaimed.

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