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Suddenly, there was a big BANG! and he heard a very familiar slithering noise. He heard a jumping noise and a loud CRACK! The slithering stopped. This was all too familiar. He had to go see what was going on.

Ash jumped out of bed and was surprised to see two Zygarde 10% sitting in his backyard next to a fallen vine.

"Hello, Ash," Squishy-Zygarde said.

Ash nodded in acknowledgement. "What are you two doing here? I thought you were in Kalos getting rid of all that Negative Energy."

"It seems that the Energy has spread to more places than we could possibly imagine. We just got rid of one of them."

"Oh," Ash said. "Wait, if you two are here, than isn't Greninja here?"

Ash started looking around. He found an all too familiar creature sitting on top of his roof.

"Greninja!" he said excitedly.

Greninja lept off and hugged his former trainer.

"Your work is done with us," Squishy said. "You may return. As for me, I may as well head back to meet Bonnie."

Ash called Greninja into his pokéball. "Get some rest. I want my friends to be suprised to see you."

Just as the two Zygarde were about to leave, Ash heard frantic and angry footsteps coming from behind. Professor Kukui and his friends ran towards him. The Zygarde dissapeared.

"Ash," Professor Kukui said. "Explain yourself. What is...that?"

Ash sighed. "During my journey in Kalos, I met up with a team of bad guys known as Team Flare. They are kind of like Team Rocket and Team Skull here, but they captured two pokémon named Z-1 and Z-2. Z-1 escaped, and found my friend Bonnie. She named him Squishy. After the Kalos league, Team Flare turned Z-2 into a bad Zygarde who started a riot in the Kalos region. I helped fight, and eventually we won, but there were vines that Zygarde left during it's controlled state. Zygarde set out on a goal to destroy them. They hoped that all the Vines would be in Kalos. Unfortunately for them, they weren't. This thing you are seeing right now is a Vine that the Zygarde just destroyed."

"Oh," Kukui said. "Well, these friends here just got stolen pokémon, and yours is stolen too."

"My Snowy is gone," Lillie said.

"My Charizard, Turtonator, and Marowak is gone," Kiawe said.

"My Primarina and Sandy is gone," Lana said.

"My Tsareena is gone," Mallow said.

"All your pokémon are gone, too," Kukui said.

Ash-Greninja's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now