The facts

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1) About 1 out of every 10 people on Earth do not have access to safe water. That's about 650 million people!

2) The population of the United States TIMES TWO doesn't have access to clean water.

3) 1 out of 3 people WORLDWIDE don't have any safe sanitation facilities or latrines.

4) Only 3% of our planet's water is fresh water, and two-thirds of that is hidden away in frozen glaciers, or unavailable for our use.

5) By 2025, water may become scarce for up to two-thirds of our population.

6)  In September 2015, world leaders devoted themselves to 17 Global Development Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal #6 strives to provide everyone in the world with proper toilets and clean water by the year 2030. That's in 11 years.

7) Water stress is the effect water shortages has on a community. It impacts nutrition, environmental services, public health, housing and urban growth, and national security. To this day, a third of our population lives under water-stressed conditions that impact socio-economic development.

8) Every single minute, a newborn baby dies from infection caused by a shortage of safe water, and a dirty environment.

9) In Africa, 42% of healthcare facilities don't have access to safe, clean water.

10) Water in Accra, Ghana, costs 3 times as much as it costs in New York City.

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