Hairy Scary

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I am from Norway and the norwegian mythology consists of many different creatures, one of the most common is what we refer to as a «Nisse» A Nisse ( plural: Nisser) is a small creature, it looks perhaps a little like a very small dwarf or leprechaun and it can be both good and bad. In the old days it was commonly believed that when someone broke new land and started a farm the soul of that first person to settle in a place would stay there and protect it for the future and later on that belief morphed into the belief in Nisser. You can rarely see them, they are very shy and prefer not to be seen my humans but they are always there and you have to be careful so that you don't upset them in any way, because if you do there will be hell to pay. A farmer who is kind to his animals and takes well care of the farm will have a very valuable helper in the Nisse, he will make sure that the animals are safe, use his magic to prevent the farmer from running out of feed too early in the winter and protect the farm from any sort of evil powers. There are still many farms where there are Nisser, they can be mischievous and create a lot of minor problems but when well treated they are nice. If you on the other hand treat them badly, forget to feed them, abuse the animals and forget to take care of the farm he will be your worst nightmare. The nisse will then seek his vengeance in any way possible and those little rascals can be very creative. The most common way they expressed their anger would be by tying things together so that they hardly could be untied. If we find a knot that is especially hard to undo we call it a "Nisseknute"or in English Nisse's knot. And they would love to mess up the horses, make huge knots in their manes and tails and so on. When we wake up with very bad bed hair we often also use the term nisseknute on the phenomenon. It means that a nisse has visited us during the night and been ticked off by something or he has just wanted to create some mischief. When things go missing and suddenly reappear we say that it is the nisse who is responsible, he is a bit like a gremlin at times. He can play almost any sort of pranks on people and be a real pain in the butt But the nisseknute is what gave me the idea of this story, what if a nisse finds himself in middle earth, among the elves? With all that lovely long flowing hair? Oh boy would he have some serious fun, and the elves? Not so much!!!

Hairy scary

Mirkwood was silent and peaceful, the birds were chirping away merrily while they were doing what birds usually do, namely flirting shamelessly with other birds of the opposite sex ( Hello there you sexy ball of down, wanna come home to my nest and take a look at my...grub collection?) and at the same time yelling things like "This is my goddamn territory ya featherless old hen, get lost!!"to other birds of the same sex. The king of Mirkwood and his entourage had recently returned from Erebor, the dragon was dead and he had gotten his fair share of the treasure, yes the king was more than pleased. In fact he acted a little like a kid about to celebrate its birthday, there was so many nice things to admire and just look at and he was enjoying himself, a lot!

While his majesty spent his time admiring the jewels and stuff he had gotten the other elves were busy preparing for a huge feast. They were going to celebrate that the dragon was dead as a dodo and any opportunity to let your hair down is nice right?

There would be guest arriving from the other realms and it was going to be splendid. The guards were busy shining their armor and the servants were running around in a state of constant panic trying to make absolutely everything perfect. For it had to be exactly that, perfect! Their king was very specific about that point. The wine cellar was filled to the ceiling, the kitchens were prepared as well and it would be a magnificent feast. Everybody was looking forward to it.

The king was spending a lot of time preparing too, he had to find the best possible robes so he would look just fabulous and the right jewelry and everything, it was so exhausting trying to look perfect. He had brought a few items from the treasure into his rooms, some boxes and crates and he was merrily searching through them to see if they contained something he could wear. If he was to wear every piece of jewelry he had picked out so far he would have to wear a warning sign as well, (beware, do not stare, danger of serious eye damage.)

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