Just a bully

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Chapter one. Greetings everyone it's me, your normal pair of all black hi top Air Force ones (with the Velcro strap) and this is my SECOND FANFICTION so please, if you see any errors, or think anything should be changed, feel free to comment and let me know.

Chapter One: Just a bully

It was a just another day at Aldera Junior high, chatters from the students various conversations filled the classroom, everyone with their own group.

Except Izuku Midoriya, the odd one out. He sat at his desk, head down, waiting for the teacher to start the class. He was one of the many few, who unfortunately had been born without a quirk. Not only did this crush his dreams as a child, it also made people not want to associate with him. He was weak, who would want to be friends with him.

Though he didn't feel sorry for himself, and it didnt stop his ambition to become a hero. Even without a quirk. He still wanted to make his dream come true, and nobody could stand in the way of that. 'Not even a bully...' he thought as his homeroom teacher entered the classroom.

"Alright everybody, take your seats"  he said while holding a stack of papers.

"Now I'm sure you all know that today is career day, but I already know what most of you are going to put on this paper" The teacher stated while passing the papers out.

All the students in the classroom looked up at him with excitement in their eyes, except for 2. Izuku Midoriya and Katsuke Bakugo.

"You all want to be heroes!" The teacher said with a grin on his face.

All of the students in the classroom began cheering, or yelling, they were all aspiring to be heroes. Katsuke didn't budge however, she sat there, with an almost annoyed look on her face. Izuku kept his head down, though he did slightly raise his hand.

"Oi! I'm the only one in this class who's gonna actually be a hero! Teach, don't group me up with the rest of these extras" Katsuke said with a sly grin.

The whole class starred at her with annoyance in her eyes while she just laughed.

"Plus I already aced the mock test to get into UA, so I'm like the only one with potential here!" She yelled, while creating mini explosions in her hand.

"Well actually Bakugo, there is another student who wants to go to UA" The teacher retorted, he had no idea what he was about to unleash.

'Oh crap' Midoriya thought as he looked up at the teacher.

"It's Izuku Midoriya! He wants to be a hero just like all of you" The teacher said with enthusiasm.


"He wants to be a hero!???"


"HAHHHAHHAAHAAAAAAA" the whole class burst into laughter.

"What're you gonna do? Yell at the villains?"

But there was one voice that stood out above the rest...


"A-well t-they removed t-that rule right? Y-you can g-get into UA without a q-quirk, and I j-just wanted to b-be a hero" Izuku said while his "childhood friend" yelled at him.

"Face it! You'll never be a hero, your weak!" She says as she goes back to her desk.

"Alright class, quiet down" The teacher said

The school day went on normally, he was bullied, of course. That was normal for him, he was in his last class packing up his things when the door to the class suddenly swung open.

"Hey nerd!"

Izuku suddenly looked up, he instantly recognized the voice.

"K-kacchan?" He said while turning his head to her direction.

"So you want to become a hero?" Katsuke said as she put her hand in his shoulder.

"I-w-well I... yes! I want to become a uh.. a hero" he said, almost whispering.

"How do you plan on becoming a hero when you can't even protect your own stuff" she said as she picked up one of his notebooks.

"W-wait I need t-that notebook! I-it's important" he said as he tried to grab it.

"Hmm 'Hero analysis notes for the future'? Wow, your really dumb." She said as she burnt the notebook with her explosion quirk.

"W-why would you do that? T-that's So m-" he said with tears in his eyes.

"Look... deku, if you really want to be a hero, go to the top of the school, and take a swan dive off of the roof" She said, cutting him off, while grinning.

"I-I that's-"

"And pray your born with a quirk in your next life" She said as she threw his notebook out of an open window.

'Why is she so mean to me I should really give her a piece of my mind!' He thought as he looked at her with anger in his eyes.

"What's wrong? You look like you want to say something?" She said as she activated her quirk.

"No it's n-nothing!" He said as he felt his shoulder heating up.

"I thought so" she said as she let go of him and left the classroom.

Izuku sat at his desk for a moment, he gathered his things and left the classroom. He went to get his notebook that Katsuke threw out the window. It was in a fish pond.

"Come on, gimme that. It's not food" he muttered as he picked up his soggy burnt notebook.

"Stupid Kacchan... you can't go around telling people to kill themselves... what if I actually jumped, what would she do then?..." he said as he shook it and put it in his backpack.

He took his usual route home, upon entering a tunnel, he was attacked by a sludge villain.

He would have almost died if it wasn't for all might stepping in and saving his life.

HEY ITS ME the pair of all black hi top Air Force ones that write this story, I've been wanting to do a ship like this for some time now.

The current schedule will be changed, I'm sorry if you were expecting a One for Invisibility chapter this week. I'll do one next week, the week after will be this one.

My nerd (Izuku x fem Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now