Entrance Exam

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Ayyy, it's what you've all been waiting for. I hope you enjoy, and thank you all for being patient, special thanks goes out to Ihavenoideawtfthisis and Redpoppy72 if it weren't for you two, this probably would have taken way longer.

"All might I did it! I did it" Izuku exclaimed as he looked at the the once trash field beach, that he had worked on cleaning up for the last 10 months.

"Yeah kid, you really surprised me. Teenagers are amazing" All might said as he grabbed his phone. "Here, take a look at this" he said as he held the phone  up to his successor.

It was a picture of him 10 months ago, he was weak, skinny, and he even had some tears in his eyes.
"Now look at this" All might said as he swiped the phone screen. "This is you now, you have certainly become a suitable vessel" All might said as he gave the kid a thumbs up.

"Now, it's time" All might said. "Izuku Midoriya, this is something I was once told"

"Something that you receive because you're lucky and something that you are given because you are recognized are different in essence" He said as he plucked a hair from his head.

"Remember, you earned this power from your own effort, and your will alone"

"Y-Yes Sir!" Izuku yelled.

"Now eat this" All might said plainly as he presented his successor with the golden strand of hair.

"Wait.. what?" Izuku asked confused.

"Yeah.. that's how the power is transferred through DNA, I figured you already knew that" All might said as he scratched the back of his head.

"S-so I have to eat the hair?" He asked.

"Hurry young Midoriya! the entrance exams are today, it will take some time to manifest"

"Yes sir!" He yelled, ready to tackle any challenge thrown at him.

[TIME SKIP] for the sake of me not knowing how to write proper transitions.

Izuku stood in front of the UA gate, 'I swallowed the hair.. but did I really inherit the power already? What if it doesn't activate in time, and I don't make it into UA?! I hope I'll be okay' He muttered, as other students look at him like he was crazy.

His train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice. "Out of my way Deku"

"K-kacchan!" Izuku said loudly, surprised to see her.

Other students look at them, there was an awkward silence before people began laughing at the two.

"K-k-kacchan!!" One of the students said mockingly.

"What a cute name, they must be together" One of the other students said.

"We must all focus on the task at hand! We are future heroes in training" One of the other students said in a commanding voice.

There was another short pause, then students began laughing at him.

"Deku! Didn't I say stop calling me that!" Katsuke almost yelled, trying to keep her voice down.

"S-sorry Ka-Katsuke..." he said, stuttering.

"I didn't say you could call me by my first name either!" She said, creating mini explosions in her hand.

"Sorry Bakugo!" He apoligized, again...

She paused for a moment, "Y'know, it kinda sounds weird when you call me that... it doesn't matter anyways, there's no way you will make it pass this exam" She said as she laughed and walked away, though she hated to admit it, a part of her wanted him to pass.

My nerd (Izuku x fem Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now