Just a Nerd

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What's the dealio? Imma keep it 100 with you guys, Sword Art Online: Fatal bullet, has been draining time. That game is so fun, but I won't feel complete without writing chapters, so I hope you enjoy.

'I should just face it, I'm never going to be a hero. Even all might told me to just become a cop. All my life, I've aspired to be like him...' Izuku thought as he walked aimlessly in the street.

'Maybe it is just time for me to give up, I should have listened to Kacchan a long time ago' he continued walking, he wasn't headed anywhere in particular.

"A villain!"

"Why aren't the heroes doing anything?!"

"Didn't All might catch that guy already?!"

"Huh?" Izuku looked up, all the yelling caught his attention.

'Heh, why do I even bother. It's not like I'm going to become a hero anyways' he thought as he looked over to his right to see what the commotion was about.

A crowd of people... and a 'Fire?! What's going on over there?' He thought as he ran over to the scene.

He could hear the voices from the concerned pedestrians watching the destruction whatever villain was causing.

"Wait, he has a hostage!"

"She looks like a student, this is horrible"

"Why are the heroes just standing there still!???"

He pushed his way through the crowd, eager to see what villain was causing all of this damage.

That's when he realized. 'It's that sludge monster, t-the one that attacked me! How did he even get loose?!'

He quickly scanned the scene, the villain had a hostage, they were multiple pro heroes on the scene. Yet none of them were able to stop them.

'And judging by the way he has the hos- K-KACCHAN!?!' He has just noticed her, how long had she been there? 'Oh! This is all my fault! If I had n-never distracted all might, kacchan wouldn't be in trouble'

He moved closer to the burning street, pushing past people.

He got a better look at the scene, the Pro Heroes, they just stood there. They weren't even trying, but most importantly, his friend was dying.

'Someone! A real hero will come soon! They have too!' He thought as he watched the villain suffocate her.

That's when it happened.

Just like that, his legs began moving on their own. He broke through the crowd, pushing and shoving people out of his way. He made it past the caution tape put up by the police, he kept going, he didn't care about the repercussions of his actions. He just needed to save her.

'Wait!? What am I doing, why am I running!? Why can't I stop!!' He thought as his legs kept moving.


'Deku?' Katsuke thought as her vision slowly faded, she was running out of air.

"YOU'RE DEAD!" The sludge villain yelled as he launched his fist at Deku.

'What do I do!? What would a hero do?!' He thought as he tried to figure out a way to keep himself from getting attacked. He remembered his notes 'PAGE 25! Right!'

"Take this!" He yelled as he swung  his backpack around and launched it at the villains eye using his momentum.

"RRAGGH!" The villain screamed as he was temporarily blinded.

The villain released his grip over Katsuke's mouth for a second, giving her a chance to breath.

As she gasped for air, she saw something. 'Deku? I must be hallucinating, there's no way that quirkless idiot would try to save me... especially after the way I trea-'

Her thoughts were interrupted by his voice.

"K-Kacchan! I'm here to save you!!" He yelled as he clawed at the sludge villain.

"W-What the hell!" Were the only words she managed to get out before her mouth was covered back up.

"I couldn't just stand there and watch you die!" He said as he kept clawing at the villain.

"IM DONE PLAYING WITH YOU" The villain scream as he lifted up his hand to kill Deku.

"SAVE THE BOY!!" The pro heroes screamed as they all rushed in to grab Izuku.

The villain attacked, only to be met with an unstoppable force, All might.

"Heh heh, I really am pathetic, kid I told you the traits to make a great hero, but I can see now that I wasn't living up to my own expectations!" He said as he grabbed Katsuke from the villains clutches.

"DAMN YOU ALLMIGHT" He yelled as he launched his final attack.

"DETROIIIIIIT, SMASHHH!!!!" Allmight yelled as he unleashed a powerful blow.

The shockwave itself was enough to snuff out all of the surrounding flames, and create a mini tornado. Everyone cheered, the reporters came running, and Izuku and Katsuke sat on the sidewalk.

"Do you know how dangerous that was! You could have died kid"

"Seriously, that was selfish!"

"Don't ever do something as dumb as that again!"

"Y-yes sir" he replied.

He just sat there with his head down, while Katsuke received praise for her bravery.

"That must have been so hard, we're glad your okay kid"

"I'm glad all might stepped in when he did, you would have been dead"

"Poor girl, you must have been so frightened"

She simply grunted, stood up and walked away.

Izuku noticed her leaving.

"Kacchan!" He said while trying to catch up to her.

"Kacchan! Are you okay" he said as he walked up to his childhood friend.

"Leave me alone" she said, her tone sounded dry and monotone.


"I said leave me alone!" She said as she turned around to face him.

She had tears in her eyes, but she looked mad at him for some reason.

"I'm sor-"



"Just shut up!" She said as she turned around and continued walking down the street.

He didn't even bother following her, she was pretty clear on her instruction. He decided to head home, there was nothing left for him to do anyways.

"I... I did the right thing. I think..." he said to himself as he made his way home.


"A-all might!?"

"In the flesh young man" As soon as he said that he changed back to his skinny form and coughed up some blood.

"A-are you okay!?"

"I'm fine, what you did back there was wrong" All might said, cutting straight to the point.

"I know..." he said as his head sunk down.

"But! That doesn't necessarily mean, it wasn't the right thing to do"


"What I'm trying to say is. Kid, how would you like to have a quirk?"


TIGHTKBFRJ I AM HERE, dropping this new chapter early like a hero!! Schools finally out guys, so you can expect more frequent updates. I have so much freetime now, I don't even know what to do with it. So I hope you enjoyed, and remember


My nerd (Izuku x fem Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now