Bad news

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I played some music, dancing around. Dinner was ready, all I waited for was for Karter to give me a big hug and kiss. I sat down getting comfortable, but then my phone rang. It was from Jasper; Picking up the phone, I slowly put it to my ear.

"Hello," I softly answered him.

"Hey, I wanted to see if you wanted to accompany me." He said straight to the point. 

"When?" I questioned him 

"Has soon as your free..." He replied. 

I sat there not really knowing what to say. After the past two days, I've been having. I didn't know what to say. But then...

"MUMMY, MUMMY!!! You never picked me up from school or dropped me." 

I looked up and smiled mouth widen with it. 

"Karter is here with my sister. Can I call you back and...?" But before I finished what I said he turned and said. 

"You're worth the wait. So, I'll be waiting." I put my phone down opened my arms to my not so little boy. 

"Oh, I missed you, so much," I said holding on tight to him. 

"How much?" He questioned me. 

"Bigger than the whole wide world," I replied. 

"So, Venus, I've got some news, I think Karter needs to go upstairs for this," Destiny said. 

I looked up at her she had shades on. In winter! Her cheeks were puffy red. 

"Karter, can you do mummy big favour can you go upstairs and draw me a picture of your day?" I said trying to convince him to go upstairs. 

"Okay, but we can play after?" He asked me. 

"Yes, sure we can." He smiled, kissed me and ran upstairs. I looked at Destiny, she sat down on the sofa beside mine and removed her glasses. Her eyes were puffy like she was crying hard. 

"What's going on? Is Lee okay?" I said worried, thinking something was wrong with our brother. "No, his fine, it''s mum Venus she's dying." She said starting to cry all over again. 

I wanted to say I don't care, but I didn't want to hurt Destiny more then she was hurting. 

"So how do you know that?" I questioned her. I really didn't have any emotion to it what so ever. But I had to be there for her, Destiny that was. 

"Venus, I don't know, dad looked sad when I walked in. I pushed it out him." She said getting frustrated with me, I sat back tilting my head back on the sofa. I still don't want to see her. It just wouldn't be real. Plus, Karter didn't even know her or who she was. I kept him away from her. 

"I don't know what to say, to be honest with you Destiny. To me, she died a long time ago, with every..." I started to say but then, Destiny stood up pointing her finger at me. 

"How can you say that?! That she died a long time ago. She wants to see you, she wants to see Karter!" She blurted out. 

"No way! I would be six feet under before she saw him or me. Plus, she said she's not my mother." I came back feeling defensive. 

"Look, I know what she said and did. But it was so long ago, don't live with this feeling forever." She said trying to make me go on side with her. 

"I forgave her a long time ago for myself. And I put it to bed." I replied back. I wasn't changing my mind. In fact, I was more willing, to go to the funeral then see her. 

"Where're these papers you want me to sign?" I asked changing the subject. She pushed them to me. I knew she wasn't happy with me, but I was willing to comfort her, till she said I should see her.


There was someone at the door. 

"Was you expecting someone?" Destiny asked with a shaky voice. I looked at her confused no. I had more than enough visitors today. All very different from the other. I thought 

"Open the door! I can hear you guys." Said the voice. I walked over and opened the door. It was Lee. 

"It's only Lee," I shouted back at Destiny. 

"Bloody hell! Don't knock people's door like that!" She shouted at him. 

"It wasn't hard, so get over it." He replied no care in the world tone to his voice. 

"Did you hear mums dying?" He looked and asked walking into the house. 

"Yeah," I said not giving eye contact I didn't want to hear her dying no more! she was grating on me. After yesterday and today, my brain couldn't take any more. 

"Mummy! Can I play with you now?" Karter asked. 

"Yes, after your dinner and bath," I replied I didn't have it in me to play I felt so tired and drained. "But I had dinner at granddads, with Aunty and Uncle." He said looking sad. 

"Okay, well I will set your bath, get some toys we can play in the water," I said smiling at him. "Yeaaaaaaaaaassssss!" He said jumping up and down, running to get the toys. 

"You don't care do you?" Lee said not forgetting the previous conversation we had. I looked at him and said.

"I have you guys to worry about. I don't need to spend time worrying about her." I walked away towards the bathroom. Avoiding any more talk about it. I played and got Karter ready for bed. "Goodnight little prince, I love you." I blew him a kiss. He caught it and smiled saying. 

"I know you do, I love you too." I walked downstairs to hear Destiny and Lee talking about the news. 

I wish they would save this for when they got home; I really don't want to hear about her at all. I walked into the room. Thinking they would stop, but the carried on like I wasn't there. 

"Are you hungry?" I asked both of them. 

"Food is the last thing on my mind!" Destiny said, rubbing her forehead.

"Yeah, I will have something." Lee jumped in I went into the kitchen and dished out the food, for me and Lee. 

"You sure you don't want anything?" I asked again. 

"Yes!" She shouted back. Once I got back into the living room there was a silence in the room. I'm going to say it, I thought. 

"I will see her! By myself and that will be the last time I see her." I said playing with my food. They both looked at me in shock. Not saying a word, they agreed. 

Once we finished eating they both decided to leave, saying bye to them I closed the door. Walking into the living room I sat there; All this time I still never got around to watching anything on the tv. 

I couldn't believe it, the women that gave birth to me was no longer going to be a part of my life. I somehow tried to imagine all the things I would say to her. But it gave me a headache. 

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