Chapter 7: Stand up for Yourself (Part 2)

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"Oh Look!~ It's Steve, the boy with the highest grades yet the lowest family!!"

"The Director adopted him? That is way too impossible!! It's just a show-off!!"

[SFX:people murmuring]

I had always been discriminated, never had friends, divorced parents.. Almost, no, no one was ever there for me.. I lived using my own abiities, got myself a high rnk scholarship and the school provided me every one of my basic needs.. Until the Director of the School saw me, he was happy enough to give me a place to feel warmth..a HOME... But then, my lie still had ups and downs, mostly downs.. People kept discriminating my past.. I can't take it anymore!! And so I decided, that maybe in another life, I won't experience something like this ever again.. No one can hurt me anymore and Eventually, my heart will turn to Ice itself...

"Get Away from here aready!! Nothing you do or say will change my mind!!"

"No, I won't! If you're gonna be that stubbron, I'm 10x more stubborn than you are! I'll stop you with that nonsense!" Alisa pushed her glasses up

Steve looked at her with a serious face.. "How can you possibly know anything about me? You don't know how much I suffered!! All I want to do is die now.. Maybe when I die, I won't experience any of these anymore and peaceful too!"

"THAT'S NOT IT!!!!!!!"

Alisa was trying to stop her tears, memories came one by one.. People picking up on her... making fun of her..

"You need to...realize that you were never alone in the first place!! I felt all the pain before but I still stood up!! You stood up for Yourself from years ago didn't you? Why can't you do it until now?" At those words, Alisa can no longer hold her tears..

"Don't you act like You're the only one with problems here! I know it's hard but... There's always a time when We really are pushed unto our limits.."

After Alisa spook, Steve's face became lonelier..

"You know Ms. Thompson, You're lucky enough that you have a complete family.. I suffered all my life.." He then smiled "It's still better if I die, someone as insignificant as me won't be something the world would greatly loose"

"Please don't think of yourself as insignificant, Every person is significant in their own way.. Those people who discriminate you? They just judge you without a good reason but that isn't a good push to make you do this..You know why I'm recovering now? I surround myself with friends, people I would never thought would care for me.. If you need something, Why hesitate when no one would taki it against you? What you're doing right now, Is something that makes you lonely.. You have no one to be with right?"

Steven looked down "No one is waiting for me, my parents forgot about me, I'm experiencing a lot of pressure and those people stand to bring me down.. But thanks for trying to cheer me up, I'll remember that when I come to the other side.."  He then smiled and slowly fell .. He was ready for the impact until he realized someone was holding his hand.. The people gasped and the teachers and some of the rescue team started rushing upstairs..

"You're....You're so..... heavy" Says Alisa, trying to catch her breath

"What are you doing? Let go of me! You'll fall down along with me if you don't!!"

"Then if that's the case, I'll be stubbron enough to not let go.."

"What is she trying to pull off?!"

"I'll definitely won't let go of you, no matter what you say, LIFE IS LIFE!! Those sufferings..They make us strong enough for tomorrow"

A tear fell on Steven's cheek, it was Alisa's tears..She remembered the people before... the things they said..Steven can't say a thing...

"I can't hold on anymore... somebody help me.." Alisa said in a low tone "Oh no..."

[SFX:Glasses fell down and broke]

When Alisa opened her eyes, she saw Jason and the other teachers were holding her hand and trying to pull her up..On the her right hand was Steven, who looked completely worried..

"Sheesh, you're so troublesome" Jason murmurs when Alisa and Steven were finally pulled up

"I didn't even ask your help,it's not my problem.. And don't you murmur things, I can hear every word you sad ya'know" Alisa shouted..

She noticed Steven was looking down while sitting, The teachers were forcefully asking him why he did that.. She walked toward them..

"Please don't punish him.."

"And what right do you have to say that?!" A teacher said

"It's not his fault.. You people don't really show professionalism here, why don't you find out the real root of this problem?"

The teacher was opening her mouth, about to say something but hesistated..

"But why did you come and save me?" Steven blurted out

"That's because, I think....I'm qualified enough to help you" She then smiled and patted his head "You shouldn't really mind them.. In the end, you're still a winner~"

Alisa's look made Steven blush.. "You know, you look really cute without glasses"

"OHMYY!! I didn't realize my glasses fell from there!!" Alisa was panicking


"I can't see!!" Alisa was crying..

And that was the end of the day..When night passed by...

"Alisa!! Come here quickly!!" Shouts Alisa's mom

"Mom, you know, if I move once more without glasses, I'll be breaking another vase.. " says Alisa walking..

"Sis!! be caref-.. Too late" Alice said when Alisa broke anther vase..

"Ohmy.." Louise came back with a broom

Alisa touched a small box with a pillow inside, and suspected that it was glasses and she wore it..

"Woah! This is way clearer than my old one! Thanks a lot Mom!!"

"I didn't give you that~ Guess who?"

"Who?" Alisa was starting to have a questioned look

Alisa's mom then handed her the card from the box..

"Thank You for what you did.. Because it's my fault why your glasses fell and broke, I thought of buying you a new one.. -Steve"

"How did he know about the glasses that would fit my eyesight?" Alisa wondered..

She read the card over and over and smiled.. "He's not such a sadist afterall.."


"She's definitely the girl in the party years ago.."  Steve smiled..recalling what 7-year old Alisa told him..

-Flashback starts-

"What are you doing here? You should be with everyone else" 8-year old Steve said

"I'm more worried about you" says Alisa...

"Look, there's everyone, why not join them?"

"But right here IS everyone, I don't need millions of people talking to me but leaving me in the end.. All I need is a prson who'll stay.. You shouldn't really be alone.. No one can live at that state because.... because people joining hands with one another... is much more better than carrying the whole world with your self" 

Her innocent smile finished the flashback...

That night, both of them were smiling.. Reminiscing on that very moment.. The bond that was once connected then broke with time.... has come back to connect again..

Behind these GlassesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon