Chapter 25- Bad Karma

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Back at Cam's house...

Cam-Bye (shuts the front door)

Liv-What were you and your cousin talking about?

Cam-Ummm.. family stuff... Grieving over a lost uncle...

Liv-Oh... ok. Well, come eat. I think the food is ready.


An hour later and everyone is showered and changed...

Liv-(getting in bed next to Cam)

Cam-I love you




Cam-I said I was sorry

Liv-I know. Actions speak louder than words tho

Cam-I'm going to try ok? I'll try my best, I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy Liv! You're my heart!

Liv-(sits up in bed)

Cam-(sits up too and kisses her on the cheek) Don't you believe me?

Liv-(about to answer him but her eyes are suddenly fixed on Cam's pillow)


Liv-What the fuck is this? (picking up a few strands of long brown hair from cam's pillow)


Liv-No shit sherlock! Who's fucking hair?!

Cam-Baby, that's your hair

Liv-Really? Really tho? Full black girl with long ass silky straight honey blonde auburn hair??? Really?!


Liv-This looks like that bitch's hair! Cam'ron don't lie to me! You said that was your cousin!

Cam-Something like that

Liv-So you fuckin your cousin huh?

Cam-Liv, she's not my cousin

Liv-Ok then! Why didn't you say that shit in the first place?!! You are a liar! And you bout to be a single liar! (gets out the bed and starts packing bags of her stuff)

Cam-What are you doing?? (gets up and grabs her wrist) Stop! You are not leaving me!!!!

Liv-Get your hands off me (slaps him in the face) I am not all those other girls! You are not trying that shit with me! I'm not some weak ass how you just gonn' abuse ok? That shit stops here, with me!

Cam-..... (lets go of her)

Liv-Yea I know Cam'ron! I know how you beat Dana's ass last month! Her lawyer called me! Of course I didn't say shit, because I don't like the bitch either! But don't you ever try treatin me the same as them, ever.... I been through way to much. And I'm done with all this bullshit! .... I'm leaving.

A half an hour later, Liv has 4 suitcases of clothes. 2 suitcasses full of shoes. and a garbage bag full of hair and skin stuff. She pushed the bags to the front door and waited for Drake to come pick her up because she called. as she waited she decided to say good-bye to TyShawn

Liv-(opens Ty's door) Sweetie, why are you still up?

Ty-I hear you and daddy fight.

Liv-Oh honey(kneels by his little bed and holds his hand) I didn't want you to hear all that.. But I have to leave now

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