Part 10

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You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but there was a strange, intense look in Black's eyes.

"Is everything ok?" You ask in a calm but confident voice, "everything is fine but we're going into town for a while" he said pulling you up from the ground "we'll be back though, I know how fond you've grown of these earthlings". You smile realizing that Black respected your feelings.

You and Black fly towards the big city. It's hard to believe that just a few months ago you were a miserable high school student, with only one friend, who was now dead. You felt guilty for it, for not missing your old life, family, you were happy with your current situation. Although Black was a bastard sometimes, you still had a soft spot for him, and when it came to 17, well he was just an all around great person, or android, at this point you weren't really sure.

"Sooo what're we doing here" you land in an alleyway, trying not to draw any attention to yourself. Before you could say anything else, Black shot a ki blast towards a tall building, you jolt your head towards him in awe.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!". Black only ignores you sending ceaseless blasts towards the city, reigning horror amongst the crowd. You didn't know what to do, you stared motionless, waiting for him to come to a stop, he does, you can't help but to burst out crying. Crying because you didn't stop him, hearing the cries and screams of the surrounding area made your heart drop.

Black looked at his work and took a deep breath. "This is our future, Y/N, our purpose is to reign terror in the lives of these wrong-doers, these earthlings are the reason the world is the way it is now, it's time we wipe out the human race, and repopulate the earth with all saiyans" he knelt down beside you and lifted your chin towards his face, which was full of wrath, but yet also sorrowful.

"Get rid of those tears. Saiyans don't cry" as he jerked your face away, standing up. After a few more minutes of admiring his work, You and Black (and Zamasu) flew back to Bulma's. You could tell that everyone had heard what happened in the city. When you returned, 17 ran to you and gave you a hug.

"Y/n!! You're okay!!" He smiled indulging in the hug for a while. You didn't say anything you were still in shock, but he noticed you're unusual mood. "Are you hurt?" You shook your head to his question, "well did you see what happened, who did it???", you look up at him and shake your head, Black glared at you for a minute. "It was a all a blur...all I remember was Black and I, walking down the crowded sidewalk seeing if we could find any other like us, and then all I heard were screams, screams of innocent people...we saw the the person responsible...but he got away before we could do anything" you quickly made up a avoid any scoldings from Black.

"Well we have to do something" Goku said clenching his fists. "You heard y/n, Goku, he's long gone, maybe he'll be dumb enough to return and we can catch him then" he said with a devilish smirk on his face. "You're right Black." Goku said loosening up.

Everyone saw through Black's lies, and all you wanted to do was scream the truth. But you knew it would be over for you if you did. The thought of all those people dying today made you feel sick, but there was nothing you could or can do about it. Black is just gonna keep doing what he's doing...

~A few days later~

Bulma was doing some research on the recent massacre. You and 17 were playing with Trunks and Goten, Goku, Vegeta, and Black were all off training somewhere. Krillin and Tien were sparring. You had almost forgotten about incident, until you started having an intense flashback. You started feeling faint...and before you knew it everything turned black.

17's POV
Playing with y/n and the kids made me realize that I'm ready to start my own family. Everything about the idea felt right. I imagined me and y/n having a son, we'd definitely name him Dexter, then I imagined us having a daughter, her name would be Kitana or Winter. I was brought back to reality by the yelling of Trunks and Goten, calling for their mothers. I look over and notice y/n on the ground. I rush over to her and pick her up to take her inside. I laid her on the couch gently, then rush to find Black, maybe he could help.
End of 17's POV

Bulma, Chi-Chi, and the boys stood over you and waited anxiously for Black to come.

Black ran into the room and knelt instantly by your side. He grasped onto your hand, he sat their for a while just staring at you.

The room was dead silent.

After a few minutes you woke up. And everyone's questions hit you at once.

"are you ok?", "what happened?", "do you remember anything?", "are you sick?".

You rubbed your head. You look at everyone, who was now looking back at you. "Y/n you should get some rest, and we'll talk when you feel better" Bulma said leading you to you're bedroom.

~later that night~

You were still asleep in your room, until you heard someone walk in, but you weren't bothered because you knew it was Black, since you two shared a room. "y/n...are you awake?" You wanted to respond but you'd been ignoring him for two days and you didn't wanna break youre streak (ok but me) "y/n" you felt him poke your shoulder, after this went on for another good 5 minutes you finally gave in and answered him.

"What?" You sat up. "Are you ok?" He asked, sounding like he genuinely cared. "I'm better" you reply laying back down. "Black..I can't keep lying to them...". He didn't say anything but you felt him looking at you, but after a while, he said something, something that angered you almost more than watching what he did angered you. "You can't keep lying to them or you just mean you can't keep lying to 17". You didn't know what came over you but you were so tired of his sly remarks, you slapped him, and you kept hitting him until he grabbed your hands and stared into your soul. "I don't want you spending anymore time with him, he's a bad influence on you" he said putting his hand on your cheek. "And if i catch  with him again-" you interrupted him, "what are you gonna do, kill him?" He laughed and whispered in your ear

"I won't kill him, I'll just kill more innocent people"

His words sent a terrifying chill down your spine. You didn't want to believe him, but you knew he would.

He placed a kiss on your lips and drifted off to sleep. You just sat there, trying not to cry at the thought of never being able to spend time with 17 again.

guysss, not gonna lie, I think this is my best chapter yet‼️, but more chapters coming 🔜🔜🔜. BUT FOR RIGHT NOW IF YOU THINK THAT THIS WAS MY BEST CHAPTER YET, LEAVE A COMMENT❤️❤️see you soonnnn

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